لما تتكلم معى او تقول الى فى قلبك او عقلك او فى خاطرك او ما يشغل بالك او مشكلة لا تجد من يحلها لك مهما كانت صعوبة المشكلة هناك امل هناك شعاع من النور اخى ارسل مشكلتك او مخاوفك او ما يقلقكو هناك طلب ان تكون صادق وجاد ومحتاج الى صديق او اخ لك افتح قلبك مهما كانت صعوبة مشكلتك هنا ما يهون عليك يكفى ان اشاطرك احزانك او مخاوفك تواصل مع الاخرين
عنوانى على الاسكاى sweet3366
Talk to me or to say in your heart or your head or in Khatrk, or is the problem or you do not find the solution for you no matter how difficult the problem, there's hope there is a ray of light My E-mail your problem or your fears, or Iqlqko there is a request to be sincere and serious and need to friend, or brother you open your heart, no matter how difficult your problem here is that the plays you have enough Ahzank or share your fears with others continue to
And assistance
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