الاثنين، 28 ديسمبر 2015

After all relations of friendship may develop into a relationship, when we're talking about after we like to relax over a psychiatrist bed, no sin or shame or fear, will speak transparently and openly, because we need to speak clearly and without actually barriers. Attempts enough for us to escape from the reality of others, and enough for us to close our screen even move away from the eyes of those inflicted on us by watching us. No sergeant there virtual world, no one holds a baton right and wrong and the traditions of the community.

Digital world welcomed and fair and equitable opportunities for the world, not flogged or held accountable one, and therein lies its strength: we could sail in it safely, with absolute certainty, the lack of our story and ask our questions and we take the time until we get to our destination, perhaps our goal that our world has not found a real virtual world waiting for us lie down, as happened to the thousands of us who have preceded us in this trekking.

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