الجمعة، 20 نوفمبر 2015

Farook Teardrop
7 hours
Who is Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings be upon him?
Who is Muhammad, God bless him?
He is the one who defended the rights of all humanity 1400 years ago.
It is the one who defended the rights of all human beings 1,400 years ago.
He defended men's, women's and children rights
Remember the men and women's rights and the rights of young
He commanded and fostered the love between relatives and neighbors
Is the love and affection between relatives and neighbors
He established a coexistence relationship between Muslims and Non-Muslims
And the foundations of coexistence between Muslims and non-Muslim relationship
He organized the relationship between the members of the family putting duties on sons and daughters towards the parents
Family relationships and systems that ensure the father and mother and a great big rights to their children
He fought injustice, called for justice, love, unity and cooperation for the good.
Prevent injustice and called for justice, love, togetherness and cooperation for good
He called for helping the needy, visiting the patients, love and exchanging advises between people.
He called for helping the needy, visiting the patients, love and exchanging advises between people
He prohibited (by orders from God) bad manners such as stealing, lying, torturing and murdering.
He prohibited bad manners such as theft, fraud, murder and injustice
He is the one who changed our lives and manners to be better.
It is our bad and good to Tabaana
A Muslim does not steal
Muslim does not steal ..
A Muslim does not lie
A Muslim does not lie
A Muslim does not drink alcohol.
A Muslim does not drink alcohol
A Muslim does not commit adultery
A Muslim does not commit adultery
A Muslim does not cheat
A Muslim does not cheat
A Muslim does not kill innocent people
A Muslim does not kill innocent people
A Muslim does not harm his neighbors
A Muslim does not harm his neighbors
A Muslim obeys his parents and helps them
Muslim obeys his parents and helps them
A Muslim is kind to young and elderly people, to women and to weak people.
Muslim is kind to young and on women and the weak and the elderly
A Muslim does not torture humans or even animals, and does not harm trees
A Muslim does not torture humans or animals or harm trees
A Muslim loves his wife and takes care of his children and show mercy towards them until the last day of his life.
Ruthless Muslim loves his wife and is interested in and sympathetic to his sons on until the last day of his life
A Muslim's relationship towards his children never stops even when they become adults
A Muslim does not end his relationship with his children after the age of majority never
He is Muhammad (PBUH)
It Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah bless him
Did you know why all Muslims love Muhammad (PBUH)?
Did you know why all Muslims love Muhammad God bless him?
Did you know what does Muhammad mean for Muslims?
Did you know what mean Muhammad God bless him for the Muslims?
Every Muslim loves Muhammad (peace be upon him) more than himself and more than everything in his life.
Every Muslim loves Muhammad Allah bless him and more of everything
Before judging a Muslim be fair and:
Before the control of any Muslim Be neutral:
1-Listen to this person, and watch his doings.
1. I hear from him personally, I listen to his ideas and beliefs and noted'm doing.
2-Compare his ideas and teachings with what is Islam and Prophet Mohammad PBUH ordered.
2-compare his ideas and beliefs, including Islam called him.
3-If you think that his thoughts are typical to that of Islam and Prophet Mohammad PBUH, and then compare them with his doings; is he applying these teachings?
3. If matched his thoughts and beliefs with what he called Islam regards to his actions, is it consistent with his ideas and his beliefs?
4-If he is applying these teachings and sayings, so for sure represents Islam, if not then he calls himself a Muslim but does not represent Islam.
4. If his actions match his ideas and beliefs it represents Islam, if they contradict he claims he is a Muslim but does not represent Islam
Hint: Prophet Mohammad is the best Muslim, no Muslim can be as perfect as he was, Muslims try their best to be the typical Muslim like Prophet Mohammad PBUH but sometimes they disobey God and Prophet Mohammad PBUH as they are normal humans who are subject to do wrong but the repent and get back to the right path.
Note: Mohammed God bless him, is the best Muslim, no Muslim to be in perfection, but Muslims are doing their best to be the perfect Muslim who saw him in Mohammed Pray God be upon him, sometimes disobey Allah and the Prophet Muhammad because they are human at risk of error, but they repent and return to the road right.
"Whosoever kills an innocent person, it shall be as if he has killed all of humanity, and whosoever saves the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all humanity". QURAN 5:32
"It kills a person without the same or corruption in the earth as if he killed all people if it is recited saved all people," Al-table - verse 32
# MuslimsAreNotTerrorist
I love you my god
i love allah

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