السبت، 29 أغسطس 2015

Is your strategy

Is your strategy is your strategy a blind man sitting on the steps of a building with a hat between his feet and a plaque reading: "I am blind, please help me." Famer man Baloamy ads and stop to see that hat does not contain only a few pennies he put more in. It is, without asking permission blind take his portrait and wrote another ad. When he finished re-painting put at the foot of the blind and went manner. On that same day a man over the ads Baloamy noted that his hat has filled Balkaroh cash and securities. The blind man knew the impact of his steps and asks him if he is re-writing of the painting and what wrote it? The man replied, "Nothing is honesty, I just rewrote". And she smiled and went. Blind man never knew but his new sign read: "We are in the spring but I can not see its beauty," is your strategy when things do not go as you want and you'll see that Ahtma will change for the better. I believe that all change is best for your life.

"Nothing is honesty, I just rewrote" How much of our daily lives in the Dictionary of the Abart if redefined formulation was enough to change the course of our lives for the better .. not exaggerations or flight in a fantasy world, but the truth and nothing but the truth ........ ......... this topic Move in internal vital meanings and activity and a sincere desire to review the Dictionary of my life to change some of the strategies for the better .. You may not need all of life of our strategy for radical change, but development and Calendar .. and of course while maintaining the religious constants Msalmatna Streptococcus and consistency it until death ...

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