You see brother that is how you see into the big picture here study these video and learn the meaning behind these video and see if you can grasp what "BIG PICTURE" is all about. These is how the elite able to rule us because they are using the same system as the one that you see in these video. They are very intelligent, sadistic, advance in knowledge and thousand year ahead in technology, but they have low vibration. Low vibration mean NO SOUL = Against The G Architecture.know that Haad topic where people do not speak and they consider taboo with that God Almighty has spoken in Athar and Ashraf book ... I know that it was spread ĚĎÇÇ in recent years in a serious way ĚĎÇÇ .. know Kmalk he deviation from nature Human and natural instinct .. I know all about .. Please let intolerance and let Agamkm prior and negative thoughts I know that there are those who will say I am gay because I Thdtt sexual about it .... Hada I do not care ... Let us know you for this phenomenon and In order to protect ourselves and to know what to do if we discovered that there is one of our relatives suffering from Malk Thread ... simply a Questions and answers about
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