God wrote her love of my heart --- ---- Vanart Universe beauty make me I'm her boyfriend and my heart --- and breathed a longing for my breath --adjalny of my Lord sees fit --- O Lord, make me of my livelihood and the solvers --- Mark and her love Saadi and Hinai and Mark --- her love Noor Sarmadi --- ask you my Lord and her love Lodha -salt God that lasts ---- her love and her heart is happy and her family * * O my Lord do not blame me on her love --- Best of Vhabk witnessed * * my heart tighten their Banwarha --- and hope the light of God Xqy * * spiritual collected spirit ---- Fjmana in paradise Alaa * * Lord, I bear witness that love Afaf and satisfaction - and my heart Fjalni reason Saadha * * Lord delivered to your love ---- Karim thou love * * I love my Lord Is sinned her love --- Vqlby prisoner of your love and lapses Habhaagvr Lee O thou my heart ---- wic ...
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