الجمعة، 17 أكتوبر 2014

Do I wish I order good or evil?

Good morning
الثلاثاء 2:44ص

الثلاثاء 4:00م

aslam alukm
Its hard to be with someone who is proud of you,if your not proud at yourself...One thing i've learned is to loved your self and be proud of yourself first. The reason i was saying this is i've experienced a lot of rejection before. Rejection from friends,from someone,from work. Rejection somehow the way i look. I always gave my everything but not expecting in return.

Yes very true...

I sleep for a while
الأربعاء 3:52م
My girlfriend did not communicate Meky because I know you're in the work I do not want the hassle


I am sick now
الأربعاء 5:57م
1000 safety Aliki

Thank u. how are u

Ok thats good...miss ur care

What does it mean?
أنا ana bi kheir I'm good

Thank u very much
الأربعاء 11:48م

Good morning...

Its my day since i was born
منذ 16 ساعات
Welcome How are you a Merry Holiday until the last Age Merry

Thank u so much ahmed
Greetings, my dear Auntie each year and next year Being a good Muslim

Wish that.
Greetings and compliment
منذ 13 ساعات

Wish will come true

What is it?

Oh ok how are u? I miss talj8ng with you
talj8ng ?
منذ 11 ساعات

News Shtk?

What is it?
Your Health

Not good,,i have sore throat
Safety thousand

منذ 4 ساعات

Good morning

h r u?

Beautiful and nice thank u dear

Am still in bed.i will go out today
This is a blessing from God

Thank u for sharing....ur so good
I wish you health and happiness

shokran kateer

Am drinking hot water with lemon now
Check it drink chamomile flower

Cant find that flower here now dear
When a vendor Alaachel medical

Ok i use some herbal leaves hre. But i am alone. I wait my sons to come home from school

Your at work now?
at home

Ohhh its friday vacation

Ok tamam
منذ حوالي ساعة

Lunch time

D2 bahay msma kiramdam ko
Ready for his proposal for any Sual
I ask clarification
D2 bahay msma kiramdam ko

Sorry wrong send

MY friend ask me why i did not go to the ofce. i reply i am not feeling well and i stay at home

OK  u went to the masjed?
I have not prayed the morning of 2 hours

Mmm ok

Is it a sin to me that i will go to church until i am waiting to transform to islam?
Do not go to church go with your heart to God and claimed Lord guides your heart

So i stay home and pray here
This is a great Xi ask God to accept your repentance wash yourself after the first piece Guli I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of God

Method of washing shower water on all your body

I really want to knowthe proper washing
Thread easy go in the bathroom and make the water on each body
Do You know that in your bathroom Jenn is watching and playing wept Prophet has taught us a prayer even expel the jinn from the bathroom

What is jenn?who is jenn?

AS far as i know everything to before anything else and i always say BISMILLAH even i go to church


Before we eat. my kids ask me what does it mean? i told them God is giving us many blessings
Gin like the devil from God created us to live in the land

Ok now i know
Say before entering the house or eating the name of God the Merciful

Thank u for explaining
But I was not all evil jinn, but those good Muslims

Ok and you belong to the good muslims

Help me to b good muslim

I am ready and I was the first to Chhdy certificate and Being Muslim

Help me to v a good muslim
Islam is the only solution to be happy in this world and the afterlife in order to Paradise
If Aslmty will marry you
Aslmty if Allah guides will be your children and Muslims

Aslmty? What it mean
To be a Muslim

Is require to marry again? I am afraid to that

That i will b hurt again
Do not be afraid of Anti-Muslim marriage and a happy will all happiness
Not to Aandma Being a Muslim loves God and people íÚŘíßí gift loves a good pair

Maybe ican b muslim but not marrying what if the man will hurt me. He will not accept my past? It will b problem

Am already old man always wants younger and beautiful ladies am not qualified
There are no problems plotting God loves each Xi is and likes to íÓÚĎß not be afraid Ante Mazlty small, beautiful and smart
God guides and given gifts and fit so good Muslim husband

How? I am in the land of christianity
Do not get ahead of ourselves first you have to be a Muslim and God will not help you
Philippine law protects religious freedom

Yes but i really afraid

Its hard tio find true and real lover
Fear not, God is with us and God will Anasrk strengthens Vbak
God mastermind each Xi do not be afraid ALWIL Announces Aslamkthm will come good

Ok i hope so
هل انا اتمنا لكى الشر ام الخير؟

I cant read
Do I wish I order good or evil?

I do not want you to Xi Aslmty whether or not I received and I love the good order and to your children
Save the yourself and your children from fire
God Bihpk and Ante idolatress Why Auntie loves you and loves you will Muslim downright more
I'm afraid Aliki
Assadi yourself with Islam
Malk enough I'm tired of talking Sorry

Sorry too.but tjank u for evrything
I am ready to work anything for the sake of your happiness and your Islam

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