الجمعة، 10 أكتوبر 2014

complete Way Of Life

complete Way Of Life ! Islam is a religion, but not in the western meaning of . The western connotation of the term "religion" is something between the believer and God. Islam is a religion that organizes all aspects of life on both the individual and national levels. Islam organizes your relations with God, with yourself, with your children, with your relatives, with your neighbor, with your guest, and with other brethren. Islam clearly establishes your duties and rights in all those relationships. Islam establishes a clear system of worship, civil rights, laws of marriage and divorce, laws of inheritance, code of behavior, what not to drink, what to wear, and what not to wear, how to worship God, how to govern, the laws of war and peace, when to go to war, when to make peace, the law of economics, and the laws of buying and selling. Islam is a complete code of life. Islam is not practiced in the mosque only, it is for daily life, a guide to life in all its aspects: socially, economically, and politically. Islam is complete constitution. Thus Islam keeps the Muslim away from confusion, because Islam is logical and rational. Allah is one. Allah is one Allah has no sons. Allah is not associated with trinity. Allah does not kill to save. No mediation is required between Allah and man. Islam organizes human nature, but does not go against it. There is not a class of clergy in Islam; nor is there celibacy. Islam is complete way of human life.


IF only could apply these laws. then we live peacefully.
There is no god but Allah Galilee Jabbar is no god but Allah, the one Sunday Kahar is no god but Allah Karim Sattar is no god but Allah, the Great Exalted is no god but Allah alone with no partner god and one Lord and witness to anyone and Samada We have Muslims there is no god but Allah alone with no his partner god and one Lord and witness one and Samada and we have worship no god but Allah alone with no partner god and one Lord and witness one and Samada and we have Qanton is no god but Allah alone with no partner god and one Lord and witness one and Samado We have Sabiroon is no god but Allah alone with no partner , and Muhammad is His slave and his Messenger is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, O Allah, Alec authorized warrants and I trust in You and your secured O most merciful God, Aetna good in the world and in the hereafter and the torment of the Fire God, Rahm mercy upon us , you are us and do not torment us , you are capable of and torment of the Fire God, do not torment that we have forgotten or Akhtina O Increase your anger and wrath Oh God, have mercy on us , you do not torment us Rahm , you are capable of God, have mercy on us , we change on Earth is Earth
O Lord, I asked you your name Merciful to Saving me from my eyes do not show me things only eyes you and Saving me from my hands do not take me with my own hands, but hand you and I have numerous out with the one you love at the site satisfied there is love right there that I can say ... I have chosen .. for you are the you choose .. and you are the only who documented all the choices and freedoms bless you liberty and freedom you WABC freedom. And you love and you love WABC love .. you are right and the truth

Thank u for teaching me
9 مارس 08:35 صباحاً

UR a blessing

U always brigthen my mine whenever im stress
"God, will you let her know that I love her so when there’s no one there, that she’s not alone? Just close her eyes and let her know my heart is beating with hers."

"Quick..., put your left hand on your right shoulder, put your right hand on your left shoulder, now squeeze! That was a quick hug from me!"

"When you love someone, it's nothing. When someone loves you, it's somthing. When you love someone and they love you back, it's everything."

"My voice is too soft for you to hear. My actions are too weak for you to see. But if you would only listen carefully, you'll hear the sound of my heart that says from now 'til forever, I'll always be here...."

"Friends are angels that come from above. Sent down from God for you to love. So if you are sad, and don't know what to do. Just remember that I care for you!"

Last night I sent my angel to protect you while you slept, but he came back and you know why? Because an angel can't protect another angel."

When I die and go to heaven, when death replaces birth, I'll recognize angels' faces because I just met one on earth."

The smallest word I know is "I"
The sweetest word I know is "MISS"
and the person I never forget is "YOU"

Remember that there will
always be someone who
remembers you everyday,
with or without messages
that's ME &

I trust you alot.
coz you are my friend.
but you talk behind my back.
why don't u tell me frankly,
why must you tell everybody that I'm "very cute"? why?!

I've already told Santa what I want for X-mas,
A true friend that will stay forever,
So if a fat man comes around and tries to wrap you up,
....please co=operate

Every Second, I remember you,
Every Minute, I miss you,
Every Hour, I care for you,
It's all because....X'mas is coming,
Kaf. Ha. Ya. A'in. Sad. (1) A mention of the mercy of thy Lord unto His servant Zachariah. (2) When he cried unto his Lord a cry in secret, (3) Saying: My Lord! Lo! the bones of me wax feeble and my head is shining with grey hair, and I have never been unblest in prayer to Thee, my Lord. (4) Lo! I fear my kinsfolk after me, since my wife is barren. Oh, give me from Thy presence a successor (5) Who shall inherit of me and inherit (also) of the house of Jacob. And make him, my Lord, acceptable (unto Thee). (6) (It

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