الاثنين، 22 سبتمبر 2014

What is Sufism?

What is Sufism?

Sufi Islam
Sufi Islam is a mystical tradition typically found nested within Islamic communities. Its adherents meet under the tutelage of masters of law and scholarship to further their own studies of many subjects. Their meeting places may be disclosed or, in some cases, secret. They ponder the mysteries of divinity and discuss the writings of the Prophet.

Beliefs of Sufism

Sufi Islam is preoccupied mainly with interpreting the Koran and bodies of Islamic law. It is considered a deeply mystical discipline for scholars and thinkers. It holds that truth and knowledge are found within the sacred Islamic texts. By study, a follower of Sufism can reveal these truths and profit spiritually by them. Because of this belief it is a very scholarly sect and is populated heavily with academics.

The Origins of Sufism

Sufi Islam traces its origins back to the cousins of the Prophet. Different sects trace their lines of descent in different manners and to different family members. A few notable sects also trace their origins to the early figures of the Caliphate. These original sects were comprised largely of holy men who sought a deeper understanding of the Prophet's teachings. Over time they organized into their modern formations.

Central Practices of Sufism

There are several practices crucial to the understanding of Sufism. Visitation, another sacred rite, involves pilgrimages to the tombs of holy figures. There is also a form of meditation regularly undertaken by the followers of Sufism. Dhikr, or the repetition of holy names, is a daily ritual practiced by most of the sect's members. Taken together with monthly scholarly meetings, these form the common ritual core of Sufism.

Persecution of Sufi Muslims

The followers of Sufism have faced brutal persecution from many quarters. Their fellow Muslims have often oppressed and attacked them. Some conservative Muslims go so far as to brand them apostates for the nature of their scholarly inquiries. Some also consider their veneration of saints to be heretical. They have faced purges, mass executions, and many legal attacks.

Islamic Law

Law is of supreme importance in the Muslim faith. It has been a core facet of Islamic life since the religion's inception in the early medieval period. Sufism carries this to a much more significant level of commitment. Many believers spend their entire religious careers in deep study of the Shari'a, the codices of Islamic law. It is common for masters of the sect to spend significant portions of their life in legal professions.
Sufi Islam has faced many trials and tribulations in its long history. While many of its adherents think of it not as a sect but as an extension of the core principles of the Muslim faith, not all Muslims agree. Other religions have also historically treated the Sufis with suspicion and hostility. For all that, though, they have remained a peaceful and contemplative group.

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