السبت، 27 سبتمبر 2014

Located where one of us may have unwittingly

Located where one of us may have unwittingly)) 
((Located where one of us may have unwittingly)) 
This topic will not take a lot of time but it is important, also please send it to others this incident took place in Paris, has been at any time you get any other place 
A few weeks ago, in a cinema in Paris, a person felt something poking from her seat, and when, and found a needle flocked in seat, a poster by the paper written on it (I've injected with HIV-infected) 
Center ... protection from disease or for Disease Control reported this incident in 
Cities other than Paris, and after examining the needles found it 
Carrier actually Aids Virus 
They also got in Lebanon 
Center also reports that this type of needles found in ATM, and call for everyone to be cautious when faced with such situations, you must meditate and scrutiny in the seats before sitting on them, must also deliver this message to all of you know, and all of the interests you ordered them, especially family members Little before the Great. 
Recently, said Dr. in India, where this incident happened to one of his patients, also in the cinema in New Delhi, was a girl betrothed, on the verge of marriage, I found the needle after that and Khoztha was a poster by the paper written on it (Welcome to the world of AIDS) 
Dr. told her family that the effect of the virus will not begin until after 6 months, and the patient usually live between 5 to 6 years old, but the girl died after 4 months 
Must all be careful, imagine that you are submitting this letter might save someone's life oblivious about this subject ... Please take your time of a few seconds, not minutes, and passing each of you know and do not know 
Aids disease of the era BACK yourself Ki be guaranteed him get him away from you and all God-Ghali and expensive to you 
Be with God and do not care about it ...... God was with him is strong Astgfrallah great for believing men and women and Muslim men and women living and dead 
Lord give us in life and in good faith and the afterlife mercy torment of the Fire 
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