السبت، 27 سبتمبر 2014

do not be afraid

stress useless people deserve issue 
Tender and do communicate to ask for help Alakharla for the benefit of others, we are dealing with God's creation and God's satisfaction in order to work in favor of bringing us closer to God e 1 is a breach of happiness to the human heart
-----------------------------------------------------------=========================================================invest emotion hurting 
Passion means to show love to others no matter what they are and the passion is not an investment tender but God loves because Islam calls for love, there is no harm to the person who loves people love beautiful recipe graduated from heart to heart----------------------------------------------------------------=====================================worries the fear of what is happening in the world None of what the power of God from the blessings that God had put the man, and not be afraid God loves worship Amoumnin do not associate partners with Allah another partner Do not be afraid you Habibullah but are tests and Aptlat you to know the strength of your faith in God

do not be afraid

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