الأحد، 7 سبتمبر 2014

البطل المصرى

ان الجانب اﻻخﻻقى واﻻنسانى يتضح فى كل خطوه بخطوها الرئبس مارشال عبد الفتاح السيس فى خطاه نحو اﻻمام
الرئيس السيسي لمفوض شئون الﻻجئين :مستضيف 5 مﻻيين ﻻجئ
استقبل الرئيس مارشال السيسي يوم السبت بمقره الرئاسى السيد انطونيو جوتيرس المفوض لمنظمه اﻻمم المتحده لشئون الﻻجئين واعنبر المفوض ان المبادره المصريه فى وقف اطﻻق النار فى غزه قد ارجعت مصر عزتها ومكانتها فى المنظمه.
تشاورا عن القضيه الفلسطينيه وانها قضيه عربيه اساسيه واضاف الرئيس ان مصر ستستضيف 5 مﻻيين ﻻجئ من سوريا وليبيا والدول اﻻفريقيه.
تحيا مصر
President Marshal al Sissi ethical and himan values are shown in every step in the path to "New Egypt" snd in the marix of work in the state which as mentioned previously are parallel to each other.
President Al Sissi to the representative of homeless population issue stated that we are welcoming 5 million in our country.
Such great generosity is really expected from our eminent president.
President Marshal al Sissi welcommed on Saturday at the presidential venue eminent Mr. Antonio Gotiris, representative of the United Nation
For the issues of homeless people.
Mr. Gotiris considered the egyptian initiative of stoppage for gun firing in Ghaxa a very good step which considered Egypt playing a vital role in the are and having good image inbetween the UN community.
Together they shared the discussion related to the palestenian problem which was emphasized from Egypt sidr that is an arab issue.
In this domain President al Sissi welcommed around 5 million homeless from Syria and Lybia and other african countrirs to Egypt.
Tahya Misr
Funf Millionen Heimatlosen von Lybien und Syria und andere afrikanishe staaten sind von unserem President willkommen in unere Heimatstadt Aegyptens.
Dies zeigt die humane und wertvolle Verhalensweise unserer Praesident.
Salut Aegypten

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