الأربعاء، 24 سبتمبر 2014

as much vim and human interest

Has been narrated in the hadith that the Prophet peace be upon him said: ((laughs Lord)). A Bedouin said: Lord of the lack of good laughs. ) Who sends down the rain after they Guentoa (,) The mercy of God is near benefactors () not Nasrallah nearby (. Who reads books and biographies of people functioning men benefit from a steady fixed issues including: 1 that the value of human improves, a word to Ali bin Abi Talib, and its meaning: that anthropology or literature or worship or generosity or his creation is in fact worth, not his image or dressed and office:) frowned and took {1} that came to him the blind (. ) And Abdul believer is better than an idolater, even if you like (. 2. as much vim and human interest and his stature and his sacrifice be, nor give him glory haphazardly. Not counted glory Tamra you eat .. ), Even if they wanted to go out to have prepared him several (. ) And fought jihad in Allah's right (. 3 that man is the one who made ​​history himself, God willing, He writes his deeds beautiful or ugly:) and write what came and monuments (. 4. though Omar Al-Short ticking fast, and go sooner, not shorten trespasses and worries and distress and grief:) Soon, not only on the eve or overnight (. ) Told Butna days or some days, ask Adan (. Enough sorrow that life is bitter Not satisfied by the work of God's favor • the causes of happiness: 1) good work:) good work of a male or female, is a true believer good life (. 2) The Good Wife): Our Lord Grant us from our wives and our offspring the apple of the eyes (. 3) A spacious house: In the modern: ((O broadened me in Dari)). 4) earning the good: In the modern: ((Allah is good and accepts only good)). 5) good manners and courtship to the people:) and made me blessed wheresoever you (. 6) Safety of religion, and wasteful spending:) did not Asrvoa Iktroa (. ) And do not make your hand tied to your neck and simplify all the numerator (. • elements of happiness: Shaker heart, and San Zakir, and the body of Saber. And thank you for the blessings and curses when patience and pray for forgiveness of sins. If you knew the scientists collected, and the wisdom of sages, poets and poems about happiness, and what I've found so intending sincere determination to taste, retrieve, and search for them and expel what Adadha: «came to me from walking Otih trot». It is happiness to a person: Mute secrets and manage its affairs. They said that Oarabiya Astamn the mystery versus ten dinars, Vdaq tired secretly, and went to the owner Aldnllner, and replayed it in return to divulge a secret, because the secret needs to be consistency and patience and determination:) did not Tqss vision to your brothers (because weaknesses in humans revealed his papers to the people , and divulging secrets to them, which is an old disease, and the disease is rooted in human psychology and fond disclose secrets, and the transfer of the news. And the relationship of this subject matter of happiness that divulges his secrets Valgalb him to regret and grieve and Igtm. And protruding in a stunning secret words in his letters literary, wanted the same thing to them. In the Qur'an:) and subtle you do not feel anyone (and this asset in confidentiality, and the Bedouin says, and conceal the secret strike the neck. Ahmedaly Aly

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