الأحد، 27 يوليو 2014

remember she was a woman

These flashes and rules are indicators for both sides of the relationship investment and development in order to achieve marita l happinessand makes wedlock housing and cover for each of them dealing with the wife1 - Over her comfort in all circumstances of life. 
2 - No Show flaws in clothing, food or speak directly. 
3 - buy her a gift from time to time and innovated in the delivery of the gift as if it Okhveha in place and then invite herto him, for example, 
4 - Do not be Mtanva to handle and I remember she was a woman ((Verwqa Balquarir)). 
5 - If you have a hobby I share it and encourage them to express an opinion I do not say ((I do not understandagriculture or in cooking or sewing or computer ...)). 
6 - Eraiha in some of its psychological and especially at a time (session - pregnancy - puerperium). 
7 - If you entered the house do not think my work and talkingwith their interests and condition daily. 
8 - Onadea as the distinctive Othbb by them as the Prophetpeace be upon him calling (Aisha) God bless them (b (liver)). 
9 - kissing her head if an effort were made for me, or when I came home. 
10 - encourage them to attend some religious classes, programs and activities of Islamic culture. 
11 - Avajiha some requests that you reject Vohoudrha her. 
12 - If you gave me the gift to convey her opinion of my friends there. 

13 - Azin Olvazi when the appeal or during the conversationwith her nor its business as President treats his subordinatecommands only. 
14 - taken in sartorial embellishments, that endeared them. 
15 - I'm trying to say where the hair or described in Anthem. 
16 - Otghazl out from time to time, whether spinning words or deeds. 
17 - commend adornments that decorated, and exaggerate inpraise. 
18 - praise the smell of the towel and the method of arrangingthe bed and put clothes and Ttiebha and coordinating flowersand everything to Amsth her ​​hand. 

19 - praise the food or drink that was prepared and show its advantages and how I wanted to this meal and it was in my mind since a day or two. 
20 - Make sure you do not eat never even come to the tableVnakl together. 
21 - I know children do not come forward on their mother'sfood. 
22 - help her in the processing of the house if she had a feast, for example. 
23 - If prepared food for my friends to convey her praise for the food on the detail. 

24 - If you entered the house and saw her busy Vokhvv by some its proceedings until it was removed in so carefree.((The best of the best to his family)) as the Messenger of Allahpeace be upon him. 
25 - to help them during cooking or cleaning the house. 
26 - ask her from time to time for household needs. 
27 - do the requirements of the children at night to ease the burden on them. 
28 - teams in financial paperwork with the conditions ofeveryday life and the events and seasons it must be lighter inthe hands of the Balxram occasions and sometimes in a fewdays to renew our life. 

The wife's family: 
29 - help them, especially if caught in the problem. 
30 - Do not stop her from Erhamha link and visit her parents. 
31 - showed joviality when they visit. 
32 - Bring a gift to them from time to time. 
33 - Omdhaa in front of her family in the house of goodbreeding and rearing her children. 
34 - I have good relations with the brothers. 
35 - If the anger of the people want them words of goodpalliative to the atmosphere and soothe her. 

Wife's illness: 
36 - I'm interested in, and cheaper air kiss her and her health.
37 - I do the work that she did at home. 
38 - give her a gift after her recovery. 
39 - ductus deferentis on her palm. 
40 - claimed her recovery. 
41 - read the Koran and Erekayaa adhkaar legitimate. 
42 - Over her food nor commanded her cooking. 

43 - raise my children to respect and obey their mother. 
44 - Erbém kiss on top of their mother. 
45 - If a child asked me something ... tell him what your mother said? So as not to oppose. 
46 - Oaawneha in cleaning it washes them children, for example, and I Clothed their clothes. 
47 - agree with the style of parenting do not even disagreewith that. 
48 - Osahbhm me out of the house occasionally to rest andmother of inconvenience. 

49 - make one day a week for the family to come out and visitfor fun and relaxation away from the domestic routine. 
50 - I meet with them to the worship of God, such as qiyaamnight or reading the Koran or other to take advantage of our vacation, including strengthens our relationship and benefit usin our religion. 
51 - I recall reading on Friday, Cave said the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: ((Whoever recites Surah Kahf on Friday lit a light between the two Fridays)). 
52 - I travel with it if you can do so. 
53 - If you travel told her about my feelings towards it and its place in my heart.

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