الاثنين، 5 مايو 2014

Peace of Mind

Peace of Mind
Look at the bright side of life Please see God all creatures of the mind and make you his successor in the ground
To see who are the less you will feel of living in the grace of God I hope that you go to a nearby hospital from your home you'll find they are more of you God Mptlehm
In spite of that impatient
To see the blessings that God gave you
And enjoyed by the wife
And you'll find very nice things in life that you have to thank God in prayer and to do what God commands you to do and avoid the prohibitions

You have to set you back HD Fa in life , it removes Elias
But I hope that does not Tgrk lusts of this world do not Tsdkhaddm Yes God in Sacred
I hope that I Avdtk
He is asking for forgiveness medication ailing hearts , male and cites the Koran in the happiness of souls and praying left in us Tmaninhoatkd you suffer from psychological and emotional emptiness
1 . You live your life for yourself ..... Make This sentence is life in Mbdik
2 . Bmkhiltk fever and seek help because they are a blessing from God Seek the help in imagining everything Tredenh be achieved and you can not currently be achieved
3 . Sometimes Buy yourself new things Indulge yourself
4 . Turkzi not get out and the one place in which to spend all your time
5 . Listen to a lecture by Dr. Omar Abdul Kafi lecture that changed me the balance of my life , my name carefree owner
6 . Claimed the heart of God and humbled to bless you in your youth , and to bless you with good work which admits you to the highest paradise
I ask God to bless you enter and Muslims wholes mercy The captain divide your time between several activities , such as to determine the time to pray redundancy and read the Koran , and specify a time for family visits " kinship " , time to practice a sport that you love, Thddoukt reading , go to the sea or Excursions Family , and if you had the ability to travel go to any country you love and I advise you to go to perform Umrah , watch movies or documentaries and religious programs , gardening , visiting friends and thus do not make free time to get bored ...
With best wishes to you that spend the most beautiful times ...

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