السبت، 3 مايو 2014


Al-Fatiha | ©www.hashtaghijab.com
Challenge from the Al-Mighty that no one has able to beat!!
"Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves." Al-Qur'an 13:11
Quran 25:71 – Surat al-Furqan
Al Bukhari Hadith
"He is with you wherever you are" Al-Qur'an 57:4
Guide us on the straight path | Al-Qur'an 1:6 | ©www.hashtaghijab.com
Qur'an al-Imran 3:8: "Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate (from the truth) after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You. Truly, You are Al-Wahhab (the bestower)."
[Surah al Maaidah, verse 42]
With Him are the keys of the unseen (...) Not a leaf doth full but with His knowledge | Al-Qur'an 6:59 | ©www.hashtaghijab.com
Qur'an al - Baqarah 2 : 147: The truth is from your Lord, so never be among the doubters.
"What is the matter with you that you fear not the greatness of Allah?" (Nuh:13)
Qur'an al-Fatihah - Linguistic Miracle by Nouman Ali Khan
Jesus in the Quran
Did you know this about the Quran? |Islamographic.com
Take care of 5 before 5... ~ reflect upon the words of the Prophet (saw) reported by Ibn Abbas (ra) who said: "Take benefit of five before five: your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness, your wealth before your poverty, your free time before you are preoccupied, and your life before your death" (al-Hakim 4/306)
Quran 65:2-3
and remember Allah so you may be successful [Quran, 8:45]
#quran “And put thy trust in Allah, and enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs.” [Quran 33:3]
The love of Allah :)
If you're too busy, it's your own fault!
Wear your heart on your sleeve.
Qur'an Ar-Ra`d (The Thunder) 13:16: Say, "Who is Lord of the heavens and earth?" Say, " Allah ." Say, "Have you then taken besides Him allies not possessing [even] for themselves any benefit or any harm?" Say, "Is the blind equivalent to the seeing? Or is darkness equivalent to light? Or have they attributed to Allah partners who created like His creation so that the creation [of each] seemed similar to them?" Say, " Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the One, the Prevailing."
Blessed blessed
Wonderful words!
proverbs 3:6

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