السبت، 22 مارس 2014

Let us go

Let us go through some more ahadith which aim to establish a healthy relationship between the People of the Book. If the People of the Book have a conflict with the idol-worshipers or polytheists in matter of beliefs, it may sound reasonable to some extent. However, if the People of the Book fight amongst each other, it will seem to be ridiculous.
Prophet Mohammad (saw) passed by a group which had people of mixed origin. There were Muslims, polytheists, who were idol-worshippers and Jews. Prophet Mohammad (saw) saluted the group.
The life and Sunnah of the Prophet (saw) is a practical example for his Ummah to follow. This is a great example in which Allah’s Apostle (saw) has taught us good humanitarian values. Hatred and conflict with other faiths has never been taught in Islam.
A Jew and a Muslim were once quarreling amongst each other. The Muslim said that Prophet Mohammad (saw) was the best whereas the Jew said that Prophet Musa (Moses) was the best. On hearing about their quarrel Prophet Mohammad (saw) said, ‘Do not try to make me higher than Moses because on the Day of Judgment all people will be struck with sleep, lifeless and I shall be one of them, but I shall be the first to wake up and shall see Moses standing and holding the side of the Throne of Allah. I shall not know if he was also asleep and got up before me’.
This is another example which shows that Islam does not preach hatred and animosity. There is a peaceful relation between all the Prophets because of the common factor between them that all of them were sent by Allah (swt) to spread His Word.
قام ‏‎Ahmedaly‎‏ بتحديث ‏حالة‏ الخاص به.

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المصرى: الجمعة، 2 أبريل 2010 كيف تحاور..؟ كيف تحاور..؟ -  أبريل 02, 2010   ليست هناك تعليقات:    إرسال بالبريد الإلكتروني كتابة مدونة حول ه...