الأحد، 23 فبراير 2014




Posted in History
We praise God and thank Him. We ask God to raise the rank of Prophet Muhammad and protect his nation from that which he fears for them.
God (Allah) exists with no beginning. He always existed. No one created God. God is the Creator. God brought into existence you, us, and created everything. God is not created, glory to Him. God is not made up of atoms. Everything other than God is God’s creation. You and we are creations. We must worship God, our Creator and obey Him. We know what God orders by learning what God revealed to the Prophet of our time.
God is not a body taking up space, nor is God a body not taking up space. God is not a body. God existed before creating places; and after creating places, God is, as He was. God exists without being in, or needing places. We cannot imagine God. We imagine by thinking about ourselves or other creations we have seen or sensed in some way. God is not similar to us in any way1. God is not like anything we have seen. God is not similar to humans, or any other creation.
Our Prophet Muhammad (we ask God to raise his rank and protect his followers from that which he fears for them) said that God existed and there was nothing else. Hence, God does not need any of the creation, considering that He existed before creating anything. Hence, God does not take up places, because He existed before He created places. If the person says, “I cannot imagine that”, to him we say, “Yes, the Creator is the One Who cannot be imagined”, because the Creator Whom we worship is not like any creation, in any way.

We know about God and His attributes but there is no such thing as a creation “experiencing the condition of being God” or having God’s attributes. Hence, we do not find any similarities between the Self of God and ourselves; nor do we find any similarities between our attributes and the attributes of God. We are not similar to our Creator in any way, Glory be to Him.

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