الخميس، 9 يناير 2014

The selection criteria

The selection criteria is not good is important to choose only, but to improve choice; shall be our choice is conscious and deliberate, rational and free and loving; any to choose what suits us and what is really best for us. With this comes the most important measures of a good choice: • Affinity: Affinity of physical, emotional and spiritual condition necessary and essential, but not sufficient alone. This attraction has two meanings: a negative means the absence of contraindications in other Tnverh him, and positive and means that the chosen person deserves to be the subject of attention and reflection and a deeper study. • Availability of connecting elements between the two: common factors in sentiment and foul, ambition and taste trends and common goals and the social milieu and the basic moral values ​​and the same doctrine.Proportionality, as well as in age, cultural and educational level, social and economic. • taking into account the moral peace: Everyone appreciated by certain values ​​and espoused and pursued in his life, such as: science, money, faith, honesty and truthfulness. Whenever the two partners agreed on the order of priorities in these values, led to their agreement form each party deal with his family), father, mother and brothers ...) as well as through companionship and comrades. • Personal maturity: love and marriage from the adult work, so it requires personal maturity. One sign of this maturity: independence, emotional and physical, and self-confidence, and sense and the ability to take responsibility, and adaptability, and the ability to control the self-tuned, and the ability to tender self and the happiness of the other, and a willingness to accept others who are different from me adapt to the printing, and the arbitration mind and not drift with stream of passion. • accept the idea that the choice starting point: after the start of the path is on a journey to build the marital home and married life. It's the beginning of the project and the link is not the end, as some people imagine.

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