الثلاثاء 6:05ص
منذ 9 ساعات
منذ 7 ساعات
منذ 53 دقائق
good morning
v good
how a u?
You are in my dreams and my life to be good
Do you have any doubt?
Perhaps the piece
I do not want to click on your affection
Afraid to express what in me
Is your heart tremble now
Thoughts just do not take care of heart attack
For many reasons
Far from the eye away from the heart
This is an injustice to your heart
I mean that life is possible after all to love and heart I feel sorry for Habib
Unfortunately, that stirred the heart to love and is not saturated with love
Make your heart loves
If I told you that I love your heart responds? Just a question
Honestly speaking. until now it hurts my heart and still feel the pain. in my heart. its my 2 kids keeps me to be strong.
Sorry I spoke with regard to your personal life
What is the meaning of alhamdulillah? It is usually translated as, 'All praise is due to Allah.' Which has led many of us to use the phrase, Alhamdulillah wa shukr Allah.' But this is very incorrect because alhamdulillah is actually is a word of praise that includes within it a greater gratitude or shukr for what Allah has ordained, and as Muslims, we are supposed to use it when we are presented with that which appears good and with that which appears bad.
But, in the reality of our lives, what is alhamdulillah? What does it truly mean? Is just a word on our lips? Or is it a genuine feeling in our hearts? Someone once told me that alhamdulillah means when you don't have something you need or want, you are content with your fate; when you have a limited quantity of that thing, you are content with it, and you try to share it,
Normal is if your heart is closed for improvements
The people you see once ----- and live in your heart years
People take in your heart --- and people close your heart
People left in your heart happy and sad people leave your heart
And people for hours ---- possible sell years
Her heart closed and people on grief and love all his days Wedding
And people in order to sell the desires of love and nostalgia
Silent and speak to the heart Nam ---- people died, her heart
Thoughts do not just take care of your heart does not feel so sad
The heart is closed for improvements
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