الأربعاء، 6 نوفمبر 2013

Zionist method to destroy the nation

Zionist method to destroy the nation , especially women ..

Activists warned the Arabs in Palestine from the Women's diapers contaminated with the AIDS virus invade Arab markets as the Saudi industry . The activists said that the purpose of polluting the diapers with HIV , which take their covers foreign green color, distort the honor killing of Arab women and the destruction of the nation and distorted through the toppling Arab with the AIDS virus , as are women in our time use diapers manufactured in specialized labs manufacture diapers and methods of survival of the virus alive until the time of use , leading to the transfer of the deadly disease. The leaked intelligence says that AIDS industry U.S. basically to kill the United States wants to get ride of it , and who have been eliminated in this way the Palestinian leader Wadih Haddad, Algerian President Houari Boumediene , and in such a assassinations directed , for example fly made ​​to the body target instilled a virus AIDS.The owners of this theory say that the AIDS virus , which began well , it is no longer possible to control it or set or put an end to it as a whole initiate wars waged by America on others.

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