الاثنين، 11 نوفمبر 2013

the goal of man

the goal of man by God you will not know the boredom and despair way to him 

You will meet people with a smile because you know that it pleases God 
There are no better than to draw closer to God, I tried in every way to overcome the despair and distrust and sadness 
Maogdt better than prayer and closer to God and treatment Al_husnaaola: patience must on any calamity, and I know that God is with the patient 

And try to change your life for the better. 

Second: We must respect the character and respect yourself because change begins at home 

Because every human being has a vision of himself and this perception if Ajaba Man 

Find him happy in all his actions and be strong and deal with personal life smooth and easy. 

Third: Now we had known that the perception of internal him stems life either happy, but sad and grim, and there is no human being is exposed to defeat or failure of one day is not a failure defect, but the defect that Ikadk failure for your goal, you learn that Marx did not sleep, but 4 hours at 24 hours a day? The piece has had a Malk of gravity in his time, and to this day is still of great people who passed and left intellectually wealth and great scientific behind 

Third: We must move towards change, rumored that Imam Jafar Sadeq p peace was in the mosque Phra man and the next day the same thing, and so repeatedly, and once made him the Imam then asked, Do you have the work done, said the man does not have Tqadt O son of the Messenger of Allah said to him, Imam Sadiq Work and only went half a mind, yes, in addition to he Aoamn us حاجياتنا facility Kmalk a Aoamn us our moral Bmhafedth needs on the mind of confusion and leisure and Alosawess. 

Fourth: If you're not committed to it must adhere to religion for comfort in the worship of God 
I am not of those who associate everything by prayer and redundancy and dhikr Wu because Imam Ali tells the Prophet, peace be upon him and he said, {I work for worldly affairs as if you live never work for the hereafter as if you die tomorrow} This is the balance and connects everything by prayer and redundancy is sufficient for obligatory prayer in at the time, and maybe you'll miss your time in redundancy and dhikr at the expense of the acquisition of livelihoods {The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny that your body you really}. 

Fifth and finally: You must change your imagination on your personality from negative to الإجابية 
After ذالك must paint yourself program moving and jurisprudence and if the failure in the first, the first failure force you to progress and also the obligation religiosity because religion in which rest the world and the happiness hereafter, and I hope to reconcile and t

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