الثلاثاء، 5 نوفمبر 2013

Self - change

Self - change

Unconditional positive outlook :
Through our view of the human psyche that it has great value , and that God deposited them of great capacities and capabilities which earned succession in the earth, and that God has human generosity and grace on the rest of creation , by this view, each of us to try to uphold this position of unconditional positive outlook towards ourselves.

When the estimated human itself does not consider it of selfishness and self love , on the contrary, the appreciation for ourselves gives us the foundation in order to be generous and producers with others, sense of guilt and the need for permanent reassurance from others but leads to self-love and selfishness and a lack of happiness as well.

Is it important to evaluate yourself and why ?
It is important to evaluate yourself , your assessment of yourself helps you build your life on a secure basis , you will win a lot to treat yourself to respect such a person who enjoys its internal value .

And evaluate yourself different from your love for yourself , we may respect and admire someone , but we do not like , we may accept the idea that the person who died worth his interior.

No double standards :

Do you have a standard measure things with others and another criterion finest when measurements for yourself?

That if you applied these double standards you work to undermine any demolition yourself constantly . If this is an attempt to build a house on the water or the mud and then fall.

Reduce the value of self reasons :

This is due to the type of man - repeated phrases , including:
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