الثلاثاء، 5 نوفمبر 2013

Can we make love

Is it true that when I think of a person . He thinks me too?
 I : Can we make love
  I do not know
 I : Mechanism
  Love gift Alahih and can not be made
 I am : a good possible demolished word or deed or wrong behavior
  Ada Kan was not true
 I : Tammam
  Do I answered , right ?
 I : wisdom silence sometimes " Whenever you silent ?
Tamam dealing with true
 When I'm in a state of anger
 I : When it comes time Anfjark ?
  As تهان dignity
 I : Do you want to be liberated from the negative feelings easily?
  I feel that I am not negative
 I : What is your guide

  تعايشي with people
 I : تشاركين people problems
I hope to respond quickly
 I : How make darling Atbanna a marriage ?
  Love Me First
And I feel I would be comfortable with him
And change the
I feel that I am in good hands with the man 's parents have chosen
Andak I 'm asking for marriage
 I : Do you sometimes have to work ( brainwashed ) ? ! When? ! ! ! !
  No I did not بهده the experiment
 Was sent at 9:59 pm on Sunday
 I : Do you have Sual Li
   Are you married
 I : Yes
  Do you love your spouse
Tzojtma for love
 I : Why ha السوال
 Why Why ?
 I : What motive
  Mesh raised questions and Jaopetk ?
You are requested to ask you a question?
 I : Yes for love
But I changed souls
: Nahit or of its part
 I : ones
  What is the motive ? Do you treat you bad
 I : No
اعاملها to the satisfaction of God
But I do not trick me in front of the heart
  Why capsized unchanged
Do Hacpt yourself
 I : physical and dissatisfaction
Every day
  Hlhe material to reduce HD
 I : Yes
  And insults ?
Maybe you're stingy with it
 I : Family roots
God Asmg the
Judge people without evidence
  I said something strange
 I : Mesh true
Is تعرفينى ?
  Ask ups and a right not to respond
 I : Taamaly me
السوال others a good charge
  Maybe not ask anyone بهدا the style
Sorry you
 I : Average
 I : allow
  You including Sons
 I : There is wisdom Atalmiha
Before data I graduated floor Mreha on your mind
  I said something is defective?
 I : Mesh Keda the
Omh defect

  I said probably means possible or can not be
You are very sensitive to my friend
Do you accept that call you friend or haram
 I : O God, from the first day
  I am very frank
 I : Average
Uh, I have a defect Alahsasah
  Do you want to close the questions
 I : No
  According to what I see you are angry
 I am : I am happy Booze
No Azaal
  Did not respond to my questions after
 I : I have 2 children
  Satisfied Besdagueta the or not ?
 I : Our honor
 I : But
   ČÓ Henw
 I : We Treaty
Have conditions
I hear
 I : No Tthbeny no love
Laden loves you or not ?
Of course thy glass
 I : possible ah and possible
  I want to clarify
 I : The answer is clear
  It is not clear that it is vague and it is a question mark
 I : Tell conditions first
  I hear
 I : Respect
 I : trust in the other
 I am : not telling , but Baznna
  I do not understand this topic
 I : I mean no Aazza but by mutual consent
  What parents do not deposit ?
 I : each Xi
  And we speak in ordinary things
 I : Even regular
 For Mada الحدر ?
 I : Mesh Khayef you never
  Khayef Why ?
 I : From your tongue
  I am a man of my life
 I : Funnily
Unconscious Tzaaly
  My tongue is too long ?
 I : Mesh forces of the
 As I do not love me do not love you
I mean everything will be normal
 I : The objection
  Do not start
 I : Approval
  The per ten
 I : So let 's we fight
Bambass and pen
And the mind
And motivational
  I agree to bout
Another question
 I : Yes
Are Aqraty the poetry
  Type your job
 I : Industrial
 I : تسمحى say the word
 I : Without Zaal
 I : I do not like colorless Bidiya
  If I understand
 I : Intelligence
  What are the Bidiyah
I 'm my intelligence Kadi
 I : Intelligence
And not Bidiya
 I : of seemed Any appeared signs of ignorance
  I did not say anything I asked you about your job
I said industrial
Ask about the type of industry
 I : not Dzaarola the markets
  You are angry
 I : Soaca
No No No
Auntie Anzaliny 's mechanism for no reason
  Because you do not like my questions
 I : On the contrary
  I will open my heart to you days
 I : The CCI Ante debut single from Morocco ask
  And ساحكي you everything
 I : You know I have a blog called old problems
  Moroccans are known their curiosity
 I am : Said trustworthy global
  I know
 I : Look on my FB
   I met a lady on the bus
And I Gillana and gave me the name of your site
 I : Reasonable
I figured myself in limbo
  I was due from Casablanca
And sat down beside her
And we were talking and talked about many topics
That we got for your blog
Of course threads net
 Was sent at 10:35 pm on Sunday
 I : Kmly
 Are revealed , and I fulfilled my way
 I : But Aadin
And then
  As Wright's name Aldona in Facebook and you got your address entered
 I : What is your impression
 I : Thank
  I spoke with love for your blog
The Radi
 I : Why
  Especially you are talking about men more than women
 I : Because the engine events
State Code Name
 For your theory
But the Holy Prophet said prayers and peace be upon him
Rafka بالقوارير
 I : Tammam
 You should talk about time كدلك
And equally
What should and what should not be
For them Monday
 I : Name Alcdona the state
 I : The CCI fault
  I will discuss them tomorrow and tell you its name
Many عيوبي
 I : Mashy I 've got a written
And البلوجر
  And Cetkchwha future
 I : Zorbea
  Yes on the written
 I : Men Hope
  Her lip on a written
 I : more than 440 Multi
  Pants my friend ?
 I : No
 I : My name is I 'm a teacher in a rural area
And boy I 'll tell you goodnight
 I : You peace Hnchovk the reel
  My real flower
 I : I hope Tensly program الاسكاى even sent in order to talk
  I refer in the last week to اللبيت
 I : Flower Valley
  Maybe see you next Sunday
God willing,
 I : Mashi
  With safety
 I : A peace
- See more at: http://alswasy300.blogspot.com/2013/02/blog-post_2913.html # sthash.OsQgNzM6.dpuf

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