الثلاثاء، 1 أكتوبر 2013

Who are the terrorists?

German preacher asked:
Bieber famous Vogel Abu Hamza
Press at the crossroads of the relationship between terrorism and Islam ..!!

He answered all wisdom:
Who sparked the First World War?
Are they Muslims?!
From that sparked World War II?
Are they Muslims?!
Who has killed 20 million, the same human population
Indigenous Australia?!
Are they Muslims?!
Who sent the bombs hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Are they Muslims?!
Who has killed more than 100 million Indians of the American Indians in North America?
Are they Muslims?!
Who has killed more than 50 million Indians of the American Indians in South America?
Are they Muslims?!
Who Pastrakkak the nearly 180 million Africans as slaves and had died about 77% of them were thrown in the Atlantic Ocean?
Are they Muslims?!

No they are not Muslims!!

Then He added:
Before all that you have to first determine the meaning of terrorism and unequivocally defined well known;
Had a non-Muslim has to do something wrong, they then just be a crime,
The while Muslim Bertkp same error described with terrorism!!!
So you first:
Not double standard and you will know who are the real terrorists

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