السبت، 12 أكتوبر 2013

( Jesus )

Asadna Issa ( Jesus ) was the Messenger of uniform uniforms the rest of the apostles and prophets
The reported Gospels Christians distorted the words of Jesus - peace be upon him - of being the Son of God and that God resolve it or the fact that God is the Christ to the other charges and superstition , I say: that those beliefs are thus stuck in Jesus Christ - peace be upon him - and is it innocent , to منافاته for monotheism that came out like the other apostles , since it is impossible to describe Christ's own description of God Almighty and eternal , eternal and absolute knowing everything and being everywhere .. To other adjectives and verbs in God Almighty

And if we assume - a debate - that none of these statements may the words of Jesus - peace be upon him - which includes a description of the same filiation and divinity , the necessarily not in the sense that he meant Christians of these words , these words have been received in the books written senses again mentioned by Ibn Taymiyyah in response to Christians who are protesting on the saying ببنوة the Christ to God and his divinity , including stated in Onagelhm of the blade on it.

And so did the other scientists in their heroes citations false Christians to their faith this from the Bible.

If we assume it must be construed the term filiation and divinity in the truth of Christ as not incompatible with true faith in God and Christ as being indicative of honor and closeness to God, or indicative of his religion and his honor and being speaking on his behalf, governor wisely, factor بوصاياه .. Etc. , especially if we know that the Old Testament were fired term filiation on Israel and the David and others also were fired utter divinity to Moses - peace be upon him - and the other judges of the children of Israel بهده meanings, mentioning interpretations correct as stated in the Gospels of words paternity filiation and divinity .. Etc. , not if sonship and deity of Christ - even if the health of these texts imposed - a real sonship and divinity , but allegorical texts should be interpreted as corrupt does not include in doctrine, nor contrary to unite , and to conform with the provisions of the Court in the faith.

Moreover - to impose health transferred - must be understood in the light of the rest of the contents of the Bible of the human characteristics of Christ - peace be upon him - .

As for what was assigned to Christ from acts of God - the Almighty - is a kind of distortion , which caused Christians their faith monotheistic correct , and as long as they have deviated and Hawa Christ , it is natural to add to the actions of divinity, and if Taliham Christ a false belief , the added it divinity longer work is in vain is the other , the appropriate impossibility divinity in the truth of Christ is the impossibility of its actions in the right as well.

Which يتمعن with يستدلون done here from the texts , he finds it does not include in fact describe Christ himself Balozleh - they claim - but the maximum to estimate the God of prophecy , and glorifying him of the past, before He created the creatures, and this is reflected in the right of every prophet of prophets.

The Miracles: miracle revive the dead , did not do it Christ as to be able to everything , but do it the ability that God gave him, and after he prayed to God, who sent a student support , and nothing in this evidence of his divinity , but he shows his prophecy , and God supported him these miracles .

As for what they claim seating of Christ at the right hand of the Lord , to the judgment of the creatures , it is invalid, push them by the غلوهم in the truth of Christ , God is the owner of the Day of Judgment , and is unique creations in the account that day. And if we assume that the people but have a baptism in his name with the name of God and the Holy Spirit - which guaranteed the Gospel of Matthew - this is not a matter of participation in divinity , but rather for the pond as a prophet of God .

And self-evident that Jesus - peace be upon him - can not be contained on the tongue approval for ( Thomas ) in his description of his Deity , and is the prophet calling for unification, and will answer Rabbo, the Day of Resurrection - If asked about the apotheosis of his people - saying : { what I said them only what it ordered me to worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord } [ table / 117 ] .

And extremely say: cited by Christians to their faith in Christ - peace be upon him - either be evidence of false ratio to Christ - peace be upon him - or distorted in transfer and translation, or be included for words Múlh should not be understood only in the light of the use of scriptures her, and in the light of the rest of the other texts that include text on the humanity of Christ - peace be upon him - and other prophets .

And will be seen clearly contraindicated cited by Christians to their faith in Christ after the show comes invalidate Ibn Taymiyyah and other scholars as evidenced by the Christians of evidence other than the ones that we have quoted and Ibtalnaha in this regard.

Ibn Taymiyyah states that Jews and Christians doctrine concerning Christ - peace be upon him - on opposite sides . The Jews did not give Christ right that God gave him , claiming that the weight was born , and he is a liar and a magician, and did not believe in him .

The Christians have Gallois in veneration to the point idolizing , they said to him : It is God and the Son of God , became even say it to say the right of scholars and عبادهم collect them and compound Alannounam which on the face of intolerance , follow a passion, and hyperbole those who venerate . The correct answer ( 2 /88).

And invalidate the Ibn Taymiyyah Christians this doctrine in the sonship of Christ to God and his divinity , and their evidence from multiple destinations ..

He invalidate invalidate their evidence from the Bible - have - , as well as avoidance of reasoning on them - they claim - the Qur'an.

More details on that : What is meant here - as Ibn Taymiyyah - : Statement of the invalidity of protest against the Christians that Jesus is God, or the Son of God , or that the creative Word of God , and it is not apparent to them in the Koran nor inwardly argument as they have no argument in the rest of God 's books , but rather clung revelations متشابهات , and left the arbitrator, also told God about them saying, { that is sent down to you the book from the verses of umpires are the mother of the Book and another متشابهات as for those who in their hearts aberration and follow what resemblance to him in order to sedition and seeking construed } [Al-Imran / 7]. And verse - as Ibn Taymiyyah - landed in Christians understand Mradun the verse Absolutely . The correct answer (2/ 304).

Ibn Taymiyyah : Then said the Christians in this place : you do not you can prove that Christ is God , but these books , and you can correct these books only by proving that the apostles messengers of God infallible , and can prove that they are messengers of God , but to prove that Christ is God, became the declining role . - The role is : stop the same thing , which is he himself perhaps for himself, with or without mode and role is mental Balbdahh impossible . See : Permissions knowledge to field Abdul Rahman ( p. 333 ) - . It does not know Christ only certified the divine these books , do not prove these books only on demonstrated they are messengers of God , does not prove that only certified the that God , divine became proven dependent on proven Elhath of , and prove they are messengers of God dependent on being messengers of God , it became a role declining . The correct answer (1/ 357).

Ibn Taymiyyah revocation to inferences Christians to sonship and deity of Christ, the Torah and the Gospel .

First, : revoke their evidence from the Torah:
Cites Christians to their faith ببنوة Christ to God Almighty and the fatherhood of God to him and thus on the deity of Christ , some of the texts of the Torah , which includes these words function on those beliefs , he said : We are the assembly of Christians did not نسم Christ these names of the same ourselves, but God called them, and so he said the words of the prophet Moses in the Torah , addressing the children of Israel : is it not your father and Mqtnik , is business and Oncok . Deuteronomy ( 32 : 6). That is the name of the father or father had used the word in the Bible for God Almighty, they were not - in the eyes of themselves - they are heretics of that word in the right God Almighty , nor what ensues that word of prophecy for Christ .

And has answered Ibn Taymiyyah on that by saying : that in this speech that he called the father of non- Christ - peace be upon him - and this match saying to Israel: You are my son Bakri - Exodus ( 4:22 and 23) - and to David : My son and Habibi - Psalm ( 89 : 26.27 ) - and tell Jesus : My Father and your father - John ( 20 : 17 ) - , and they are handed over to be present in the right sense of the Lord Christ , not in the sense nascent which يخصون Christ .

Moreover, this guide which يستدلون by the sonship of Christ to God and his divinity is an argument for them , if in the books developed called the father of non- Christ, and not to be so only the meaning of the Lord , he learned that this word in the language of books meant to the Lord , you must carry P Christ on the right this sense , because the basic principle is not to participate in the speech, and that its use in the sense in which fertility by Christ but if science proves that I want the sense in which I call in Christ , if proved that meaning as soon as the launch of the word father role is necessary , it knows that I want him that sense, in terms of proving that it was intended in the truth of God this sense, does not prove that even knows that I want him that meaning in the truth of Christ , if the stop flag with each of them the other did not know one of them , turned out he was not aware they have that I want in the truth of Christ with the wording father what Khsou in dispute.

Then it does not exist in books of the prophets and their words to name the father and is meant by the father of theology, not to name the Son, and to be him something of theology, and not his speech, not his life, but there is no word son , but is meant by the creature , it is not the word Son, but the Son of creature, and then they shall be so to be named Son in the truth of Christ is humanity , this invalidate saying : the Son and the Holy spirit qualities of God , although Christ theology Name and humanity , it is clear that the text books of the prophets invalidate the doctrine of Christian and contradiction honesty . The correct answer ( 2 /123).

Secondly, : revoke their evidence from the Bible:
Christians cite some of the texts of the Gospels that verbally includes a function on those beliefs , they said: baptized people in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Matthew (28 : 19).

And may Ibn Taymiyyah responded to that by saying : This text is Amdtkm of the what تدعونه of the three Persons , and it is nothing indicating that neither the letter nor apparent, the word son had never been used in books divine the meaning of the attributes of God, did not name one of the prophets aware of God's son , and named his son , but do you have that they named Abdo and or slaves, his son or his sons, and if so Vdawakm that Christ wanted science son of God, and his suit in a very lying on Christ, the Lamb of the term on unless use it is or anything else which is not the truth and not metaphorically , what a lie and twist the words of the prophets is greater than this, and if the word son used in the character of God called his son, and his ability son, فتخصيص science wording son without life mistake a second if the word Son used in the character of God , so how about if you do not well ...

But apparently this talk that Aamteke as a father who want him in their language of the Lord, and a son who wanted to play in their own language educator, and here is Christ, and the Holy Spirit , who supported God by Christ the King and the revelation and so on, and this was interpreted this talk of interpreted from Akaber scholars . The correct answer (

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