الاثنين، 21 أكتوبر 2013

grandeur Quraish leaders alone

That was not the Prophet 's tolerance is finite in a special grandeur Quraish leaders alone, whether men or women , but move beyond them to many of the leaders of the different tribes . In these articles will limit ourselves to three of the most prominent and most hostility or harm the Prophet ..

Malik bin Auf
It was the position of the Messenger of Allah with Malik bin Auf Nasrid tribal leader Hawazen impressed by the attitude to accommodate ! !

The owner of the bin Auf leader grave of Arab leaders , has been able to assemble an army terrible tribes Hawazen and agents from the tribes Thaqeef and others , the texture of twenty-five thousand fighters , is the largest Arab armies at all, and motivate motivation great to fight the Messenger of Allah, so they accepted to take fighting with them to the land of their wives and their children their أنعامهم and money as an incentive for them not to flee .. ! !

They are so sacrificing everything they own in order to fight the Muslims .

The aim is clear in the mind of Malik bin Auf, the eradication of Muslims from their roots, and plans for the planning arbitrator , and met with Muslims in Saddam's shocking near Wadi Hanin [1] , and almost his plan to succeed , even earthquakes Muslims earthquake severely , and been exposed to more severe crisis in their history at all , and almost the Islamic presence to be completed , and almost the apostle to kill .. ! !

It is a crisis of crises really!

But , God willing , after this terrible clash to win Muslims, and fleeing Hawazen and Thaqeef in front of the Islamic Army , and the owner of the bin Auf of those who fled , and joined the people Thaqeef in Taif fortresses ! !

Barr messenger with Malik bin Auf
At the same time , who fled the owner of bin Auf , I thought tribe Hawazen in Islam , and it was the main motivation in the first conversion is the recovery of women and cattle taken by Muslim captives and the spoil , and found Malik bin Auf himself alone Creda after he was commander possible ..

He found himself with no money and no wealth , as well as no tribe , no attribution , and on top of that he is a refugee when another tribe - tribe Thaqeef - does not Aomnha for himself .. ! !

I've had the most cases of refraction that can be exposed to the commander .

While he was in this unfortunate situation shameful , there was thinking of his ! !

He is the Messenger of God ! !

I asked the Messenger of Allah Malik bin Auf , to become anything , he said to his people : It is in Taif impregnable fortresses feared for himself. He said in the usual splendor :

« Told the owner that came to me for granted echoed by his family and his money, and I gave him one hundred camels » [ 2 ] ! !

Can you imagine that one .. ? !

Is this the deal is expected from the commander of the victor with his hostile army leader , defeated in front of him ? ! !

The pan- leaders in the world to relish and enjoy prosecute and punish and humiliate their enemies leaders .. The winner will be attached to the leader leader hostile to him , and pity him, and make him, and give generously .. This is what absorbs not understand the leaders of the world ! !

And Malik bin Auf found in the words of the Messenger of God rescue him out of its crisis , and faster coming to the Messenger of Allah , and announced his conversion to Islam his hands , Vqublh the unconditionally , did Aanfe , did not يلمه , did not inquire about anything! !

Indeed, the Messenger of Allah to do what is the greatest and finest .. ! ! I've re- Malik bin Auf , may Allah be pleased with him again on the leader Hawazen , and even the cost of a military mission in the utmost importance , which is the task of the siege of the city of Taif ! !

We have respected the Messenger of Allah possibilities Malik bin Auf leadership may Allah be pleased with him , and save his reputation and prestige and value , did not Ahderha as thousands and millions of wasted energies as a result of arrogance and grow some of the leaders .

I've forgotten the Messenger of Allah Malik bin Auf past in one moment , and running the treatment pimp respected , and about his corruption on earth to fix it .

Which is better on the Muslims returned .. ! ! Any good returned on Hawazen .. ! ! Any good returned to Malik bin Auf , may Allah be pleased with him .. ! !

Can we find - after all this - those who accuse Muslims that they do not recognize with others or respect their presence ? Is it in the history of others that resemble - even remotely - Such is the great prophet positions ? ! !

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