الثلاثاء، 15 أكتوبر 2013


"God, will you let her know that I love her so when there’s no one there, that she’s not alone? Just close her eyes and let her know my heart is beating with hers."

"Quick..., put your left hand on your right shoulder, put your right hand on your left shoulder, now squeeze! That was a quick hug from me!"

"When you love someone, it's nothing. When someone loves you, it's somthing. When you love someone and they love you back, it's everything."

"My voice is too soft for you to hear. My actions are too weak for you to see. But if you would only listen carefully, you'll hear the sound of my heart that says from now 'til forever, I'll always be here...."

"Friends are angels that come from above. Sent down from God for you to love. So if you are sad, and don't know what to do. Just remember that I care for you!"

Last night I sent my angel to protect you while you slept, but he came back and you know why? Because an angel can't protect another angel."

When I die and go to heaven, when death replaces birth, I'll recognize angels' faces because I just met one on earth."

The smallest word I know is "I"
The sweetest word I know is "MISS"
and the person I never forget is "YOU"

Remember that there will
always be someone who
remembers you everyday,
with or without messages
that's ME &

I trust you alot.
coz you are my friend.
but you talk behind my back.
why don't u tell me frankly,
why must you tell everybody that I'm "very cute"? why?!

I've already told Santa what I want for X-mas,
A true friend that will stay forever,
So if a fat man comes around and tries to wrap you up,
....please co=operate

Every Second, I remember you,
Every Minute, I miss you,
Every Hour, I care for you,
It's all because....X'mas is coming,
Don't forget my X'mas gift!..

Spell "FRIEND"
F - Finds way to comfort u
R - Remembers 2 pray 4 u
I - Inspires u
E - Enjoys life with someone like u
N - Never forgets u
D - Dies for u

Friends Are Like Pieces Of Puzzle,
If You Loose One,
It Will Never Be Complete Again.
Just Want You To Know
You're One Of The Pieces
I Can't Afford To Loose......

If I don't see
If WE have...
L - talks
E - hellos
S - stories
S - greetings
Always remember that
my CARE...
will never be
LESS.....for YOU

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