السبت، 19 أكتوبر 2013

Arabic Teachers.

we are spending 400,000 dollars on Arabic Teachers. I wouldn't be happy if my son came home from school and told me his learning Arabic. Should Arabic be taught at a public schools with our tax dollars?
Name Job Title Worksite Salary
Allen, Timothy L Arabic Language Teacher, HS Herndon High School $51,957
Bacha, Meriem Arabic Language Teacher, ES Beech Tree Elementary School $67,085
Belhoula, Sami Arabic Language Teacher, ES Sleepy Hollow Elementary School $49,092
ElTahir, Ayman A Arabic Language Teacher, MS Glasgow Middle School $22,580
Layaly, Ola A Arabic Language Teacher, HS Annandale High School $64,631
Moula, Wisam R Arabic Language Teacher, HS Stuart High School $69,886
Sharaf, Mona A Arabic Language Teacher, HS Hayfield Secondary School $75,140==========================================================

Why not scrap all foreign language programs. After all EVERYONE speaks English, if you speak it slow and loud enough=============================================================================================What's your deal? Maybe they should stop teaching English too since it clearly isn't getting through to anyone. I still see adults confusing "your" and "you're".

Let's me guess, you think that either these teachers are Muslim and or terrorists or the children taking these classes will become one of the two or both?

Am I right or am I rite?! 

So why wouldn't you be happy if your son told you "he HIS learning" Arabic? Give me a rational answer, or did I answer that for you?! 

It's an elective class by the way and I hope your son does indeed take it so that you can lose sleep over it like you are right now!

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