الاثنين، 7 أكتوبر 2013


Ka any day he Ahmed went to obliterans for Fajr prayer and after Asalay evoked Ahmed his thinking, and received things of satisfaction psych because he has done Jalil The jurisprudence of God attic , although there are thousands of women have not reached dawn and I feel that he is happy because God is chosen from among the people that come into the house Allahoukal in himself that he is happy and relieved psychologically and deposited in the same positive things said will be a daily all this work and love to God and determination to Anicon his best to God and avails himself of Alnahihalmadahoacherq Mind in positive thinking that day Saidrgm what in the prospects of deposits Hadima for Aijaaholaken the spirit Mlhmaalyalhaaa Alaamanly pOSITIVE leaving a T. heaped upon Avkarouachiatgalh Saidbesb that subconscious Mind Man Michrb of God and satisfaction due to God and bead initiated it Anwar happiness of his heart and mind , subcontractors and day became whole tidal happier and exhilarating things

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