الأربعاء، 18 سبتمبر 2013

With the Holy Quran and its position on this doctrine

With the Holy Quran and its position on this doctrine
The Koran proved the invalidity of what it is Christians from the doctrine of the Trinity and the deification of Christ and saying he was the Son of God and much more are also provided.
He says: ( ( I 've Kafr who said that God is the third of three )). He said of the solutions and the Union are Christians from ancient pagan was the basis of their religion and the beginning of getting lost in canceled and delusion : ( ( I 've Kafr who said that God is the Messiah , Jesus son of Mary )).
He says in the proportions of Jesus to God and make it a child of God : ( (They took Rahman, son You have come something Wada * almost heaven, ready to burst, and cleave the earth and graduated mountains this that called for Rahman, a son * and should take Rahman and son * Each of the heavens and the earth , but come to ( Allah ) * We Ahsahm the promised except ) ) .
The Almighty said : ( ( what God had to take Born Him If He decrees a thing He says to it 'Be )).
Word on the belief that the Quran create Isa mother without a father proof of his divinity Jesus said that the Quran , such as Adam was created by God from the dust without father or mother as the creation of Eve from Adam without Um , God , if he wanted to create something but He says to it : ( (if like Jesus before Allah is the likeness of Adam he created him from dust , then said to him, ' Be )).
As a response Quran on the divinity of Jesus and his mother, and proved to be no income to Jesus and his mother as they call them God said: ( ( As God said, O Jesus , son of Mary Ouant I told the people اتخذوني and my mother as gods without God said Glory have me to say what I do not have the right to I have said has taught him to know what to myself, I do not know what in yourself you are the unseen what I told them only what ordered me him to worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord, and I was a witness against them as long as those when Tovitni you you censor them and you are everything martyr )).
Fssa and his mother did not ask the Christians worship has disowned them Jesus and his mother is also provided . The Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him : ( may be worshiped without God entered the fire ), but Jesus, son of Mary and his mother did not Arzia Babadthm without God as I mentioned verses .
Also, Jesus healed of his people and all their heads after submission to God is the martyr them ( (When I feel Issa them disbelief said of Ansari to God , said the Apostles we Ansar Allah believe in Allah and I bear witness PANA Muslims * Lord safe as revealed and we follow the Apostle Vaketbna with witnesses ) ) and two witnesses are the Muslims to follow the prophets because they ring set up their argument and acquitted Issa of these المفتريات and called for the worship of God alone and no one else from the false gods and follow the truth .
Just as God Almighty has proved himself not divinity of Jesus in addition to the above evidence and he minus humans does not deserve to rise and rise to the rank of divinity , this man did what for humans and subject to subject him man is eating and drinking, and therefore , he must meet the call of nature and shits and other things that necessary rights in living.
It was a case of this , there is no amount to be God , because God does not eat ( (a feed or feed )).
The Almighty said : ( (what Christ , the Son of Mary , but the Messenger have passed away before the Apostles and his mother , girlfriend were eating food) ) .
Finally, you cite this verse to be a good conclusion in this regard is clear truth and يزهق falsehood .
He says: ( (I've Kafr who said that God is the Christ, the Son of Mary and Jesus said , O children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord, that it involves God has forbidden God's Paradise to him, and his abode fire and the wrong-doers of supporters have Kafr who said that God is the third Theliih There is no god only one God , and have not finished what they say to يمسن who disbelieve them a painful torment )). Ended ,

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