الأحد، 1 سبتمبر 2013

My questions

My questions involves many things..i am a very new convert an at first i was praying all prays as best i could (i dont know arabic)someone told me i should only speak in arabic ...so in the end i have stopped praying ..i think of allah many times in the day ..an follow the teachings ..but some things i know are wrong i cannot stop ..since allah called me i have improved my life immensley an am happier than i have been in a very long time ...i used to be drunk every day ..now i almost dont drink at all ..i used to gamble all my money ..now i almost dont gamble at all .....when i do do these wrong things i can feel it is wrong an dont want to go back to my old ways ...i can feel allah is guiding me in ways i dont understand ..i dont feel guilty i just feel why am i doing

2012 oly Spirit in Islam is the angel Gabriel, who supported God by Christ peace be upon him

As for Christianity, they claim that the Holy Spirit is God.

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