الجمعة، 6 سبتمبر 2013

i.m:I want to know you

i.m:I want to know you and honor you and are happy to bring happiness to communicate the intellectual and social networking is far from what makes a man unhappy I am pleasemakd to introduce myself to you I am from the land of the Nile and the development Asma Ahmed I live in the city of Cairo Age over 40 I love people, communication and love of othersThanks for your reply and also for your interest to know about me. . I wish to develop honest and faithful friendship with you and also meet each other after my service. I will also need your assistance and partnership, but I will explain more to you after knowing little about yo
ahmed:Call for Interviews Almighty understand one true God says to in your heart and your mind says corrected your thoughts corrected values can be needy Order or Check or charge your mind with ideas make you in the best level and best case help you to a good life says I know something about the other values can be happy with your life in the world and the Hereafter tried to find out On the ideas of others love the Almighty God help you to enter Paradise Almighty Lift your worry and anxiety I am the listener you People need to the warmth of others Mlmama not be communicating with them Why not be named by Tzerahavy hearts of the people perhaps this man close to you may be standing beside you one day you need to support Believe me, you will be happy if you communicate with others Awather extend the meaning of love and friendship with others, no matter how they differed, including
حلال المشاكل:Ahmedaly Aly‎ Islam hello to you Invite you to Mark a friend or a brother and make sure that your words with me in the secret Tell everything about your problems or what is going on in your heart and make sure you are going to rest or relieve you what Itask or remove the causes of anxiety or a solution to the problem do not be afraid of Shi two is one and one hand does not work Xi And distress not only reveals to extend what you learned from the wisdom of life experience and make sure you're a brother or a friend to connect 

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