الجمعة، 20 سبتمبر 2013


(1) Muslims also believe that God revealed a holy book to Jesus called the Injeel, some parts of which may be still available in the teachings of God to Jesus in the New Testament.  But this does not mean that Muslims believe in the Bible we have today because it is not the original scriptures that were revealed by God.  They underwent alterations, additions, and omissions.  This was also said by the Committee charged with revising The Holy Bible (Revised Standard Version).  This Committee consisted of thirty-two scholars who served as members of the Committee.  They secured the review and counsel of an Advisory Board of fifty representatives of the co-operating denominations.  The Committee said in the Preface to The Holy Bible (Revised Standard Version), p. iv, “Sometimes it is evident that the text has suffered in transmission, but none of the versions provides a satisfactory restoration.  Here we can only follow the best judgment of competent scholars as to the most probable reconstruction of the original text.” The Committee also said in the Preface, p. vii, “Notes are added which indicate significant variations, additions, or omissions in the ancient authorities (Mt 9.34; Mk 3.16; 7.4; Lk 24.32, 51, etc.).”
For more in-depth articles regarding this subject, please visit the following external web pages: Confessions of the New American Bible and Bible ContradictionsBack from footnote (1)

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