الاثنين، 2 سبتمبر 2013

انا والحب

: Why each of us tries to be looking for someone he loves?
Psychologists have answered this question, answer strange but true that we are all afraid to be alone in this world .. We are afraid of the unit .. We are afraid of not being loved .. We should not be scared us the value .. We are afraid of not find it belong to him
You you like you're scared .. just like Descartes .. I think if I am ... and you like you're afraid .. Love if مبعثه to the fear .. based on fear ... and the greater the fear increased love ..
The second question .. why we usually choose someone was tired does not deserve our love .. psychologists say that in the same all of us a reformer who wants to give others ... He chooses unconscious people can forfeits ... Or Istsalehh .. That the role of father, mother and
brI am sure Mark your heart is happy because of the love the unknown and you want to throw Sorry on ذالك deprivation

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