الخميس، 22 أغسطس 2013

What does it mean God

What does it mean God Cbrhamd God and prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and on his family, but after:
The word Allah is the greatest means that God is greater than everything in this existence, and the greatest order and dearest and highest of all that springs to mind or imagined fantasy.

This is why a slave if he stood between the hands of God Almighty to Mnajath and performance of worship and uttered this word it that evokes these meanings.

The composite sentence of two words: the name of God "Allah" and this word the name of self-aware attic is also known intuitively and instinctively.

The scholars said: "God" self-aware of the attic due to exist due for all Mahamd, revealed to Adam, among the names most famous names, but this comes beyond descriptions him, God was arrested with him tongues did not branding him elsewhere Almighty.

He says: [Did you know him toxic] (Maryam: 65). Do you know anyone called God Astvhama sense of exile, has been mentioned in the Quran two thousand and three hundred and sixty times.

He knew knowledge and complete .. "citing the introduction perfection and disposal provisions.

The word "largest" do format preference for meaning and the greatest, it was Allah bless him and say: Glory be a mighty kingdom, pride and grandeur. Narrated by the authors of Sunan.

He said peace be upon him while he narrated it from his Lord: pride ردائي and greatness Azari, it Nazni and one of them entered hell. Narrated by Ahmad and others.

And this sentence does not meet Ihram for prayer, but the majority of scholars, and because of the transfer as frequently done, peace be upon him accompanying him, where he said: Pray as you have seen me praying. Bukhari, said peace be upon him the key to prayer purification, and to prohibit zoom delivery and analysis. Narrated by Ahmad and Sunan.

And Allah knows best.

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