* Starches dish (rice or potatoes or any other boiled beans)
During training or matches or academic achievement is best to drink (1/2 liter naturally fresh fruit juice with 1/3 tablespoon honey)
One Response to "Food makes you a hero," "discarded" strengthens memory
Goalkeepers may assist in the strengthening of memory
Recent research seems to confirm rumors that dates back to centuries ago, which says that the herb "sage", or sage, can enhance memory.
The scientists at the Universities of Newcastle and Northumbria tests on 44 people eating some grass while eating each other fake pill.
The researchers found that those who took pills oil extracted from the herb was a much better performance in tests to remember the words.
Experts believe that the active ingredient in the herb may increase levels of a chemical that will help the transfer of messages within the brain.
The Centre for Research Paljamotain medicinal herbs tested many of the traditional theories about the healing capacity of some herbs and flowers.
This proves how valuable استخلصه specialists knowledge of ancient herbs
Researcher Nicolas Taldsla, the
And discarded mentioned in ancient writings, where he specialized herbs John Gerard in 1597 that this grass "is especially good for the brain and nerve tonic and memory."
She says researcher Nicolas Taldsla that the results proved that must be taken specialists in herbs theories seriously, at least in some cases.
She said, "This proves how valuable استخلصه specialists ancient herbs of knowledge, and that he should not ignore just because they have written their studies centuries ago."
But she said that there are still a lot of question marks about the ability of this grass to strengthen the long-term memory.
"The necessary tests on people for longer periods to verify whether the discarded improved performance - but we do not intend to do so at the present time."
Alzheimer's treatment
She said that it could help Alzheimer's patients grass.
Valzheimer is often accompanied by a decrease of the same chemical in the brain that experience has shown lifting discarded her.
It also believed that the herb sage anti-oxidant properties and inflammation, which may also help, although not prove it yet.
The center has already begun a study to test the effect of the herb on Alzheimer's patients, is expected to release results of this study soon.
The results are published study influenced discarded on memory in the Journal of pharmacology and biochemistry and be aware of your mobile phone may explode
No one can deny the importance of mobile phone (mobile phone), which became an important part of our daily lives, and up to date with all our daily activities, and in spite of all the positives and services provided by mobile phone to us in our daily lives, but the disadvantages and risks also can not be ignored, but is currently the main concern anyone interested in public safety and human health and security, tens of research dealt with the risk of electromagnetic waves issued by these small devices, which touches more human body parts sensitivity of a brain, ear and face, and other research dealt with the dangers of using mobile phones while driving or during our presence in the room intensive care in hospitals or centers of various medical care.
We rolled past few years incidents of flammable and explosive many mobile phones both during use or while in the case of shipping, in the United States was recorded more than 83 complaints included the explosion of these devices and ignition self, prompting the Office of the security of consumer products to issue a clear warning the risks that may be posed by mobile phones, which may vary between blast Mufajo or automatic ignition.
Attaches companies mobile phone industry around that by saying, that the blame here does not have the mobile phone as a device, but on the counterfeit batteries and shoddy, which are placed inside these devices, this note that consumers resort to buying these counterfeit batteries due to lack of price when compared to batteries of origin manufactured by manufacturers of mobile phones, as it could reach the price of these batteries less than a quarter of the price of the original batteries.
On the other hand, some of the associations defending the rights of the consumer believes that the problem lies in the willingness of manufacturers of these phones in stuffing a large portion of the electrical energy in a small space in line with the size of these small devices, and advised therefore consumers need to follow certain procedures for public safety, which can be shown in the points the following: -
1. Do not put the mobile phone under your pillow or near you while you sleep.
2. Avoid placing the mobile phone in your pocket or around your waist.
3. Phone farther from your face during use and prefer to use your head kit so.
4. Do not use your mobile phone near the areas of influence, e كالأبواب e remotes.
5. Do not use your mobile phone during thunderstorms and rainy atmosphere and near high-voltage lines.
6. Close your computer immediately upon login to the intensive care rooms in hospitals and near the organization and planning devices heart and breathing control devices and other sensitive devices and biotechnology.
During training or matches or academic achievement is best to drink (1/2 liter naturally fresh fruit juice with 1/3 tablespoon honey)
One Response to "Food makes you a hero," "discarded" strengthens memory
Goalkeepers may assist in the strengthening of memory
Recent research seems to confirm rumors that dates back to centuries ago, which says that the herb "sage", or sage, can enhance memory.
The scientists at the Universities of Newcastle and Northumbria tests on 44 people eating some grass while eating each other fake pill.
The researchers found that those who took pills oil extracted from the herb was a much better performance in tests to remember the words.
Experts believe that the active ingredient in the herb may increase levels of a chemical that will help the transfer of messages within the brain.
The Centre for Research Paljamotain medicinal herbs tested many of the traditional theories about the healing capacity of some herbs and flowers.
This proves how valuable استخلصه specialists knowledge of ancient herbs
Researcher Nicolas Taldsla, the
And discarded mentioned in ancient writings, where he specialized herbs John Gerard in 1597 that this grass "is especially good for the brain and nerve tonic and memory."
She says researcher Nicolas Taldsla that the results proved that must be taken specialists in herbs theories seriously, at least in some cases.
She said, "This proves how valuable استخلصه specialists ancient herbs of knowledge, and that he should not ignore just because they have written their studies centuries ago."
But she said that there are still a lot of question marks about the ability of this grass to strengthen the long-term memory.
"The necessary tests on people for longer periods to verify whether the discarded improved performance - but we do not intend to do so at the present time."
Alzheimer's treatment
She said that it could help Alzheimer's patients grass.
Valzheimer is often accompanied by a decrease of the same chemical in the brain that experience has shown lifting discarded her.
It also believed that the herb sage anti-oxidant properties and inflammation, which may also help, although not prove it yet.
The center has already begun a study to test the effect of the herb on Alzheimer's patients, is expected to release results of this study soon.
The results are published study influenced discarded on memory in the Journal of pharmacology and biochemistry and be aware of your mobile phone may explode
No one can deny the importance of mobile phone (mobile phone), which became an important part of our daily lives, and up to date with all our daily activities, and in spite of all the positives and services provided by mobile phone to us in our daily lives, but the disadvantages and risks also can not be ignored, but is currently the main concern anyone interested in public safety and human health and security, tens of research dealt with the risk of electromagnetic waves issued by these small devices, which touches more human body parts sensitivity of a brain, ear and face, and other research dealt with the dangers of using mobile phones while driving or during our presence in the room intensive care in hospitals or centers of various medical care.
We rolled past few years incidents of flammable and explosive many mobile phones both during use or while in the case of shipping, in the United States was recorded more than 83 complaints included the explosion of these devices and ignition self, prompting the Office of the security of consumer products to issue a clear warning the risks that may be posed by mobile phones, which may vary between blast Mufajo or automatic ignition.
Attaches companies mobile phone industry around that by saying, that the blame here does not have the mobile phone as a device, but on the counterfeit batteries and shoddy, which are placed inside these devices, this note that consumers resort to buying these counterfeit batteries due to lack of price when compared to batteries of origin manufactured by manufacturers of mobile phones, as it could reach the price of these batteries less than a quarter of the price of the original batteries.
On the other hand, some of the associations defending the rights of the consumer believes that the problem lies in the willingness of manufacturers of these phones in stuffing a large portion of the electrical energy in a small space in line with the size of these small devices, and advised therefore consumers need to follow certain procedures for public safety, which can be shown in the points the following: -
1. Do not put the mobile phone under your pillow or near you while you sleep.
2. Avoid placing the mobile phone in your pocket or around your waist.
3. Phone farther from your face during use and prefer to use your head kit so.
4. Do not use your mobile phone near the areas of influence, e كالأبواب e remotes.
5. Do not use your mobile phone during thunderstorms and rainy atmosphere and near high-voltage lines.
6. Close your computer immediately upon login to the intensive care rooms in hospitals and near the organization and planning devices heart and breathing control devices and other sensitive devices and biotechnology.
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