الأحد، 11 أغسطس 2013

Is rumored that a man came in

Is rumored that a man came in with his son travel to the city for nearly two days away, and with them was an ass, and upon luggage situation, and while they go on their way, I broke a leg in the middle of the road ass ..

The man said: what God blocked us was the greatest!!
He took each other's luggage on his back, and a follower of the way, and after a broken foot man, what is returned is estimated to carry everything, and became dragging his foot on,

He said: What God blocked us was the greatest!!
Son arose, and carry luggage and belongings of his father on his back and set off complement the march, and on the way to snake bitten son, and he fell to the ground in agony before he,

The man said: what God blocked us was the greatest!!
Here are the wrath of the patient and son said to his father: Is there a greater than what made ​​us??

When cured Son أكملا the walkabout and وصلا to the city, if it has been removed from her father's reel, the her earthquake أبادها comes including the.

He looked at the man to his son and said to him: Behold, O Brown, if Asibna not what made ​​us in our journey because we arrived that day and made ​​us what is the greatest, and we were with those who perished ..

To improve always think God .. the joy once gave us, but to stop us, our joy ten times .. Because the tender and prevention God's choice

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