الأربعاء، 7 أغسطس 2013

Hey there..

Hey there...
You have updated your new bouncr mail address from 5sxfk@boun.cr to the following new address:
sweet@boun.cr sweet111@boun.cr

Enjoy sharing it, tweeting it, and using it to sign up for services, whatever you like.
What is Bouncr?
Bouncr is a service that helps you share your email publicly in a safe way.

How does Bouncr work?
It works by hiding your permanent email address with a Bouncr proxy. You then share it however and with whomever you wish. Anytime you're receiving unwanted emails, simply cancel your Bouncr account and it's gone. You can sign up again anytime.

Can I have multiple Bouncr addresses?
Absolutely. Each time you enter an email address we'll create a randomly assigned @boun.cr email, which you have the option to customize.

How do I delete a Bouncr address?
Everytime you enter an email with us, we'll send you a confirmation message. This message contains a link that will let you delete your email anytime you want.

Does Bouncr filter spam and viruses?
Yes. While Bouncr is not meant to be an anti-spam service we do our best to filter out obvious spam and virus messages. Spam and virus messages will be rejected so the sender will know their message did not get through to you (but most likely they won't care since they're probably a spambot or Trojan infected machine).

I got a spam message from Bouncr. What's up with that?
Bouncr will NEVER send you spam. However our spam filters aren't perfect and may let the occasional spam message through. Although the spam message may have come through Bouncr servers, it did not come directly from Bouncr. If you start to receive a lot of spam it might be about time to delete that Bouncr address and get a new one.

How do you make money?
We're figuring that part out. For right now we see Bouncr as a great service that the Internet community deserves.

Bouncr was gone and now it's back. Where did it go and is it here to stay?
In August of 2011 the original Bouncr team had to shut down Bouncr due to rising costs of dealing with the large volumes of mail it had to process. The Senico Labs team really loved Bouncr and wanted to revive it. So in March 2012 Senico took over sponsorship of the project. Senico has built its own cloud based email infrastructure and is dedicated to keeping Bouncr alive for a long time to come.

Here's a link to manage your bounce list, and edit or delete your Bouncr email:

Keep in touch
Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Shorten your files
Like Bouncr? Try droppr Social File Sharing.

If you didn't request this Bouncr email address, unsubscribe by clicking here.

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