الجمعة، 9 أغسطس 2013

Do you know

Do you know, dear reader that animals share with humans and shared in many recipes, including oestrus sexual and tricks to get to the female he wants. Confirmed scientists that male spider crook resort to tricks to lure female partner approached him through feigning death after he puts in his mouth "gift Marriage ", which can be a fly Astadha mentioned for this purpose, and when denounce female on this prey easy in the mouth of the male" Dead, "the male surprises بالانقضاض them in a jiffy taking place mating. Researchers found that 89% of male spider crook" Bissoura Mirabliss " used this strategy has been able to mating, compared with 40% of males that do not use this method. noted Dr. Trine بيلده specialized in biology at the University of Aarhus, that this strategy were not well known among animal until now, only to evade predators , and this is the first time that discovers scientists where some animals use this method for mating. confirmed scientists that males that تحتال Ali Onthaha fabricating death pollinate a larger number of eggs a female because a mating be longer. spiders maintains genealogical In the same regard, the researchers reported Male spider Germans during practice with the female mating process leaves a part of it inside in order to cut off the road on the other male competitors and ensures the existence of a pure strain of hard not to mix "lineages" of others. study showed that this phenomenon is another dimension, is the keenness Spider-mentioned process terminates quickly because it is known that the female if they were larger than the male kill him, and after that performs duties marital them. Another study showed that UV works to increase sexual behavior among spiders Alagafazh. pointed me Deakin a professor at the National University of Singapore, that this discovery is important because it adds to our knowledge of the communication between animals, where it turns out that female spiders Alagafazh disturbed sexually when they reflect her peers male UV, and that male spiders Alagafazh recognize females when he spoke ultraviolet UV light on them. noteworthy that the female spider increasingly weighing of weakness in preparation for the mating season, for example, there is a kind called "Argiobs", live in one of the U.S. states grows to increase length of 2 inches in the period. Tales Tarifhonthe hyena not prefer marriage Aloqarbokdt recent scientific study that female hyena prefer not to mention who you know in a marriage, where the male hyena, who leaves his flock lucky in love because the female partner affect male strange mysterious about it you know. researchers pointed out that the preference for male stranger helps avoid inventory reproductive process in a narrow range all groups of hyenas . researchers said in their study published in the journal "Nature" that males that have been observed to respond to Female preferred had the highest success rate in breeding the long term. watched researchers made reproduction of eight groups hyenas resident in Ngorongoro Carter in Tanzania and then identified the genetic parents of hyenas nascent During a period of ten years, and they saw that the reason for the displacement of most of the male away from her community of origin is the preference of females to males of new entrants to the group they are male immigrants from another group after the birth of the female. They added that unlike humans, the female hyena do not want to know the young to their father because he does not participate in the upbringing of his sons, and the female animal hyena that spotted meet many of the males during their life. female shark may proliferate without Tzaujavadt U.S. study modern that the female shark could vaccinate themselves automatically, and the production of small sharks without the need to mention. study showed that reproduction mating between mammals has been adopted to analyze the DNA of a shark born in 2001 in a zoo in Nebraska, where he was born this shark in the huge tank containing three of the female shark, which did not close or touching any of the male shark for a period of not less than three years, after DNA analysis of penny reports showed that there was no trace of the party male in the cells of the shark. explained scientists that this evidence is the first of its kind to confirm that the shark reproduces not Tzaujia. For his part, Bob Hiotr Director of the Research Center sharks in Florida, that this phenomenon abound among all vertebrates except mammals, they are found among birds, amphibians, fish, and now exist between the sharks. mention that the process of reproduction Allatzaugeh abound among which is rare among insects, birds and amphibians. Mated male octopus is in Zlamozart recent scientific study that the process of mating male octopus Australian are often in the dark, so it does not know whether to deal with y cr or female only after fumbles his goal. Achieved mating after being tucked Octopus One limbs in the body of the other, So it flirts Male Octopus error like male as female but this meeting ends quickly and amicably, but the meeting between a male and female partner Octopus has prolonged for more than an hour and a half to ensure the success of the enrichment process. father and species, and prevention and treatment

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