الجمعة، 23 أغسطس 2013

between the teachings of Islam

between  the  teachings  of  Islam  and  the  practice  of 
some  Muslims.  Although  some  Muslim  cultures 
oppress  women,  it  often reflects  local  customs  that 
are inconsistent, if not contrary to Islamic teachings. 
Islam  expects  its  adherents  to  uphold  the  rights  of 
women,  to  protect  their  social  status  and  prevent 
their degradation in  every way. Islam further  holds 
that  women  are  equal  to  men  in  their  origin,  their 
humanity, their honor and their accountability before 
Today, Western  societies  have  actually  demoted 
women to sex objects. The United States of America 
is  one  of  the  leading  advocates  of  the  so-called 
“women’s  liberation” movement.  Ironically,  it  also 
has  one  of  the  highest  rates  of  sexual  assault  and 
rape in the world. According to an FBI report, in the 
year 1990, an  average of 1756 rapes were commiVed 
in the US every single day. 
The idea that Islam treats women as second class 
citizens  worth  half  a  man  is  nothing  but  a  myth. 
Islam elevated the status of women over 1,400 years 
ago  by  declaring  them  the  sisters  of  men,  giving 
them the right to education to the highest level, the 
right  to  c h o o s e   a  husband,  the  right  to  end  anhttp://alswasy300.blogspot.com/?zx=d3aa4aed53b919fa

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