الجمعة، 30 أغسطس 2013

America's plans to thwart the revolution

America's plans to thwart the revolution

He revealed the American Professor that "when the United States ordered the Egyptian military overthrow Mubarak, the United States had other plans to thwart the revolution and maintain the status quo as it is," he explained, saying: "We have allocated U.S. Congress immediately millions of dollars to fund non-governmental organizations, such as the Institute International Republican National Democratic Institute, and Freedom House, in conjunction with European non-governmental organizations other, and that paved the way for the demonization of the Egyptian revolution. "

He added that "in light of the abundance of American money and support non-governmental organizations and the full support of the military council, rose Ahmed Shafiq Prime Minister former President to the summit," he continued: "We have turned the United States of the Egyptian revolution as volatility coin, has disappeared along with Mubarak and rose by Shafiq The United States had emerged winner bet, and the ultimate goal is to prevent Egypt from becoming an Islamic republic like Iran. "

He concluded by his article, saying: "I have held the United States gripped the junta, and pressure the military junta interests and arm heavy on diphtheria revolution." Arab revolutions revolutions legitimate result of injustice and Alvaaaaaaaaaaaaaad in the Arab peoples and Israel Khaaaaaaaaaaaifah Ktheiaier absence of the role the Egyptian diplomacy in revolutions I think you agree with me that what happened in Egypt is bigger than he can absorbed by one major earthquake huge topples system established from ancient times and its aftershocks still ongoing so that the Egyptians themselves is Kadirian on to gather respondents so far and the intervention of the remnants of the former regime and agitators ruin every achievement is or try to reunite and Egypt is a big country in a population The bear army also believes the burden of all this and its implications it reasonable in light of this political image of others and clear to see Egypt's diplomatic activity is clear in the Arab revolutions Enough what we experience at home and all the people of Arab free in his choice In topple his regime or retained de freedom peoples Madkhal Egypt by All people make revolution and unable to achieve victory and if some people use the forces of outsiders like NATO in Libya Feltthml repercussions of this intervention does not endured Egypt Maladkhal us by we in a difficult period and raise hat Egyptian army that he was able to afford all these liarits and heavy load and, God willing after that reflect Egypt Haunted will return to its leading role among Arab countries and not interfering in the will Alhaubmsr did not end its revolution, and the Egyptians themselves say so, and was still in the demonstrations. If it is not achieved the stability needed to begin to support other countries. This is in addition to that Egypt is one of the most important countries in the whole world, and there are a lot of interests that fall upon themselves, so we saw that the Egyptians had begun in a global diplomatic campaign to try to install their external relationships and changed to conform with the goals of the revolution. Their absence from the arena of revolutions is something we can not blame them.

As for the answer, which stated Sahabha charges for rebels of Libya, we do not blame on Egypt never, people are Egyptian was the first to scramble to Libya aid medical, and the first to set up field hospitals on the border (in conjunction with the Tunisian people on the western border), and gave the displaced Libyans Asdor wide , and we appreciate their circumstances and thank them help them obvious.
As for NATO intervention in Libya, why not support Libya other Arab countries? Did not interfere with any Arab country (except Qatar) at the beginning of the Libyan revolution. But after the intervention of the West began Arabs are trying to intervene to improve their international image ... Topic has nothing to do with oil, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates two oil Gnetan, why did not interfere with oil poor countries?
Abandonment of the Arabs us is what led us to use the West ... as a Muslim and Islam only
Any Muslim must affects the application of Sharia
God said (the days of ignorance who is better judgment than Allah for a people who have firm)
It is obvious this verse know that there is the rule of God and then also from the verse that any judgment is God's judgment is the rule of ignorance
Fbak to choose between God's judgment and the rule of law ignorance is no rule of law
Sharia is not worship or personal status only
Sharia much larger
Within the limits of law and economics, international relations and domestic laws and everything
Anything in the universe either be or haram short and Sharia intervention in every atom in the universe
 Those who remain steadfast under authoritarian regimes for decades was capable of becoming a terrorist group or armed
But they are patient and received
They are more merciful than all the parties in the arena
Or issue panting behind rule, I do not think that they are not students or Jah or positions Sultan if they also walked in the footsteps of the ousted president
Why croaking on the Brotherhood or any other Islamist movement ambition to get to the rule
Are the other parties haram Islamic parties
They advocate for democracy Wallis meaning trading power Venattiy Brotherhood chance and judge them
And I am my father I know they do not intend to get a majority and the presidency may know why

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