الخميس، 22 أغسطس 2013


May God reward
Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings,

Mother saw in her dream her son ignites sulfur poles and closer to his eyes

Even have become Hmrawin the

I woke up from her sleep It Taatauz of Satan but did not

Restless mind and went to her son's room

Who is seventeen-year-old to find on the screen

Computer and the screen reflected light

On the window and saw him see what really Avzaaha and raised all her fears she's seen a

Watching pornographic did on screen

Computer wanted to scream at him but acknowledged withdrawal

Especially as they entered the dimly did not notice it is returned to her bed

I thought to tell his father to receive responsibility of disciplining his son thought that you

From her bed and closed the computer screen and chides him I did and rotated

But called on God that inspired the right thing in the morning, and slept a تستعيذ


In the early morning saw her son getting ready to go to school and they were

On their own and found a chance to talk and I asked him:

Imad What do you think of the hungry person what he deems doing so full?

Fajabaha intuitively go to a restaurant or buy something to eat

At home

She said to him and if it was not him money for it

Then silence like to understand something

She said to him, if eating Vathaa to Lshahyh What do you say about

Replied quickly downright it's crazy how open his appetite for food is

Not in possession of

She said him crazy اتراه you son?

I do certainly, my mother is the Kelmejrouh which is sprayed on the wound salt

Smiled and answering

You do such a crazy my son

And her مستعجبا I said, my mother?!

Yes, see you said to him, what opens up your appetite for women

Then silence and knock his head in shame

Brown said to him, but you're crazy over him he opened his appetite to something

Not with him and that his behavior was unwise, but it is not Muharram thou

Opened the appetite of what is forbidden

Forgot verse (Say to the believing men to lower their gaze and protect

That is purer for them their modesty)

Then shined her son's eyes and told her sadness really, my mother I made a mistake and that

Come back to like it, I am crazy over him, but also and unrighteousness

I promise that I will not repeat them,,,,

Do not open your appetite of what is not with you, and especially what Allah has forbidden by day Sabah this you in for another taste

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