السبت، 1 يونيو 2013

Wonders of charity
True story

The man called the son Jadaan incredible also love his money to him and the camel to a poor neighbor case has seven daughters, Farah impoverished neighbor was drinking, he and his daughters from milk
And when the summer came Bajafavh and Qahth, cracked earth came'm Jadaan with Bedouins journeyed looking for water and pasture,

... In Aldhol, and are holes in the ground to reach water valves and entered one of them to bring water to drink and three children outside الدحل of waiting for wiping out under الدحل did not know the exit.
And wait for his sons one day and two or three so desperate they said: Perhaps a snake bite and died, perhaps Tah underground perished, and they went to the house and divided the inheritance arose أوسطهم said: أتذكرون camel, my father had given to his neighbor, the neighbor that does not deserve,
So they took a camel Oejreba to give him the neighbor instead of camel neighbor said: The Father gave her to me, dine and Ongdy, Banha. Valbann sing about food and drink also tells the prophet, and said: Confirm us the camel is better for you, and take this camel said: أشكوكم to your father, said: I doubt it, it was dead, he said: Matt, how he died? Since I do not know? They said: Dahla income in the desert and did not come out, he said: Go my to this الدحل then take the camel and do what you like and I do not want Jofm ..

I went by to where you entered the owner loyal and brought strand and lit the torch and went down crawling until he reached the place of love in it, and if it hears the whine man placed his hand if he is alive breathing after a week of loss, carry out الدحل and gave him the dates and gave him to drink and drive on his back and brought him to his home, Dept. of life in a new man, and his children do not know, he said: God, you told me a week underground and you did not die.

He said: سأحدثك newly screamed, after three days lost hope and delivered warrants to God and if my felt milk flowing on my tongue فاعتدلت If a pot in the dark do not see him approaching my mouth Vertoa then goes on every day three times, but two days ago was interrupted do not know what the cause of disconnection ?

Says: I told him, if you know the cause of disconnection was amazed! Your kids that you thought was and withdrew the camel that was Asagak God of them, and under the Muslim charity, as he said: ((صنائع known Taqi bad wrestler))

When he persisted narrowed their rings spaced and you أظنها not release
As well, and is not, click on Lake If Jpetk to the story:

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