الأحد، 30 يونيو 2013

the Prophet's guidance fourteen centuries ago ..

ychological ... As a result of the mixing of the object between male and female students in schools and universities, a Lebanese newspaper reported: that a student at the school and the university do not think only Bawatafha and the means by which respond to this emotion .. And that more than sixty per cent of the students dropped off in examinations, and reasons for failure to sex they are considering in more than دروسهن and even their future .. This مصداق what goes to Dr. Alex Carlyle says: When moving Libido in humans secrete a kind of material that leaks in the blood to his brain and Tkhaddrh no longer able to think Net .. So called him mixing not they shop their minds, but they shop their desires, and they are moving away from consideration, including reached peoples, which allows mixing and freedom in social relations between men and women .. It reported a report to the U.S. Congress Committee for investigation of juvenile crime, that the most important causes mixing between the young people of both sexes are great .. And other evidence of daily decide scientific and practical wisdom for modern-Sharif, which is a methodological framework to identify areas of social relations in general, and between men and women in particular .. Moreover, the mixing of the greatest effects faded modesty which is considered a fence for the maintenance and infallibility of women in particular, and leads to deviations behavioral allow tradition of others under the banner of urban and liberation, and has been shown through the examination of many of the crimes defects that mixing is permissible is primarily responsible with it .. And what supporters say mixing scandal, Minister of Industry in England with his secretary that indicated one of the newspapers to as expecting a baby from him, curious to British newspaper The Times has pointed out that Margaret Thatcher, has played a key role in persuading the Minister of Industry Barkison not to marry his secretary and continue with his wife hoping not to degrade his marriage to the secretary of ... This story holds in substance the effect of mixing between the minister and his secretary without a mahram ... This on the one hand, on the other hand holds a lack of recognition of what resulted from this mixing, and this means indirectly lack of recognition to mix and continue the فالاختلاط in general bear the ill effects of what makes a lot of loyal advocates claim to organized in a specific framework to prevent evils ... Which is back to the Prophet's guidance fourteen centuries ago ..

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