الاثنين، 24 يونيو 2013

the name of God

Out the word
Utter the name of God Almighty Arabic origin, used by the Arabs before Islam and Allah Almighty supreme god is not a partner who believed in him Arabs in pre-Islamic period of ignorance, but some Abdul with other gods, and others have been involved in worship idols.
The existence of God and attributes
Can be agreed between all people (atheists and believers of them) to be a proper scientific logic is the only way to get to the fact of the existence of God and His attributes. Everyone agrees that for every action actor, and everything reason. And with the exception of something, then something comes out of the blue or not, and nothing gets without reason or cause. Examples of this are countless, and overlooked one. And the whole universe with all its living or inanimate, static and moving, yet found nowhere. Logic and science confirm if there are those who founded the universe. Whether the name of God, the Creator or creator or starter, it is not an impact on the truth of this. Falcon whole, including, demonstrates a sufficient indication of the presence of the Creator.
And to identify the qualities of this Creator is through the study and follow up his work and articles (creatures). The book, for example, demonstrates the knowledge, experience and culture writer and his style and his thinking and his ability to deliver and analysis. As well as all manufactures give a broad idea about the characteristics of the manufacturer. If people use this scientific logic with the universe and its creatures that were able to access the attributes of the Creator (manufacturer). Beauty of the sea and nature, and the accuracy of the cells and the wisdom of the details, and the balance of the universe and his system, and all the findings of his human sciences, all indicate the greatness of science and the wisdom of the Creator.
Both agreed people or did not agree to find the wisdom of the existence or not Aki_voha, and both agreed on the wisdom of having pain and difficulties in life, or did not agree, this does not change anything from the result reached by its scientific logic, which confirms the existence of the Great Creator and Aleem and al-Hakim, who believers agree on the name of God Almighty

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المصرى: الجمعة، 2 أبريل 2010 كيف تحاور..؟ كيف تحاور..؟ -  أبريل 02, 2010   ليست هناك تعليقات:    إرسال بالبريد الإلكتروني كتابة مدونة حول ه...