الثلاثاء، 4 يونيو 2013

That any system of a building or on the grounds

That any system of a building or on the grounds
That any system built or founded on violence will not hold forever ..... Violence destroys itself .... Iranian women have suffered repression programmer from the religious establishment and government. The spread of prostitution under religious names such as "temporary marriage" Aouhria of the West is based on humiliation women and Thakerha. Women in Iran make up half of society, such as women in Arab society, but carries men responsibility deviation women have and without incurring any sin by him ....... that the oppression of women in Iran would not only adversely affect it, but on the whole community and the nation .... .... When man recognizes and accommodates in Iran and the Arab world that the woman is a complement to the party is not a party man followed him? .......... that any man does not respect his wife or sister or mother, can not be an individual in nation ....

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