Tablighi Jamaat and advocacy Islamist group closer to the group preaching and guiding them to an organized group, the call on the Report virtues of Islam, each of you can access it, binding their followers that cut into each and every one of them part of his time to convey the invitation and deployed away from the formations and partisan political issues, and resortsits members to go out for Preaching and contact with Muslims in their mosques, their role and their shops and clubs, pontificating and lessons and encouragement in going out with them for the invitation. And advised not to engage in debate with Muslim groups or engage in discounts with the governments.
The emergence of the group is the former between Islamic movements other, grew up on the most likely words in 1920 in India by Sheikh Mohammed Ilyas, has already established the establishment of the Muslim Brotherhood eight years, and since the mid-forties of the last century, headed the group of the Islamic world, and out Bjamaatha in different parts of the Islamic world, but the first to enter the group «Report and advocacy to Egypt, Sheikh Ibrahim Ezzat, and in the middle of the seventies of the last century.
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