الاثنين، 17 يونيو 2013

Religion Is Fitrah

Religion Is Fitrah

The word fitrahmeans innate primordial nature in which Allah has created humanity. Each human being is created ready to believe and submit to God. Man's need for religion and God is not artificial, it is very genuine and natural. At times of problems and troubles, even those who deny the existence of God, cry "Oh God." God is a word that cannot be omitted from the dictionary of humanity.

Yet, people try sometimes to avoid religion and deny it because of the way they perceive it. When religion is misused as religious authority to silence criticism of unjust, unhealthy and unbalanced social, economic, or political conditions, people start to revolt against it. Because in such context, religion does not keep the balance of the relation between God and Human being. Thus, it is no more what religion should be. If the teachings of religion was conveyed properly, and practiced in good faith, people will find their way to God, and will realize their need for Him, and will be religious.

Also, the allurements of the world and the distracters distract man and deafen his ears from listening to the call of fitrah.

Therefore, he will be internally divided, leading one path while his nature needs another path. In such a situation, his life will be very troubled and miserable, regardless of how much he tries to find fleeting happiness in objects and things around him.

His real happiness lies in creating this harmony between his fitrah and the nature of the whole universe which is in submission to God.

Religion Is Value

Value is something that has always been debatable between human beings. What is value, and can we live without values, and who decides what value is?

All these questions have simple answers in religion, because all Divinely revealed religions give very close, if not identical, picture of what value is. Because value is such an important, yet, delicate thing, we cannot depend on the interpretation or choices of human beings.

There is a need for Divine authority here to tell us what value is; and this is what religion does. The Ten Commandments in the Bible and the many teachings of the Noble Quran that prohibit murder, theft, hatred, and establish justice and love between all people, are doing this job and have always been beacons to humanity to live up to the mission they are here for.

Religion and Lost Balance

It is religion that creates in man an incentive to be good, productive, and work for a happier and better future. It is religion that elevates him from being a slave to his physical earthly desires. Also, it is the only way to guarantee happiness and well-being of the individual and the society.

With this in mind, man will lead a balanced life that combines matters of the body and matters of the soul. He will realize that his body is a vehicle and this life is a journey that has a destination. Those who deny or reject religion are travelling on a journey without a destination. They live in service of their bodies and desires; and their whole life goes in total chaos.

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المصرى: الجمعة، 2 أبريل 2010 كيف تحاور..؟ كيف تحاور..؟ -  أبريل 02, 2010   ليست هناك تعليقات:    إرسال بالبريد الإلكتروني كتابة مدونة حول ه...