السبت، 29 يونيو 2013

Preferred to call

Preferred to call

As stated in the preferred call and preachers verses and sayings of many, as it responded to send the Prophet peace be upon him preachers conversations are well known to scholars, including saying Almighty: {One of the best words of those who called to God and the good work and said I am a Muslim} This verse where noted بالدعاة and praise them, and it does a better word of them, and on top of the Apostles peace be upon them, then their followers depending on their rank in the call, Scientific and credited, you, O slave of Allah is sufficient for an honor to be a follower of the apostles, and attending this verse One of the best words of those who called to God and the good work and said I am a Muslim Meaning: No one is better in speech than for being called to God and guided him and worked as calls to him, means: called to the right and work with it, and denied falsehood and warned him, and left him, however, said including it is, not ashamed, but he said: I am a Muslim, Mgtbta and joy including from God by him, and not like someone who disdain for it and hated to utter that he was Muslim, or that calls for Islam, to take account of flan or compliment the person, There is no power but from God, but the insurer's proposal to God's strong faith, Seer order of God declares the right of God, and is active in the call to God and works including calls to him, and warns that forbid it, it would be the fastest people to call to, and beyond people for everything that forbid it, however declares that he was Muslim and that calls for Islam, and يغتبط the so rejoice as the Almighty said: {Say thanks to God and His mercy so doing فليفرحوا is better than collecting}

Valfarah God's mercy and grace exultation joy, the joy of pleasure, is legitimate, and the joy that is forbidden is the joy of old age, and this is the joy that is forbidden as the Almighty said in the story of Qarun: {do not rejoice that God does not love excited}
This joy of arrogance and condescension on the people and buildup, and this is the one that finished him ..

The joy of exultation and pleasure religion of God, and joy بهداية God, الاستبشار so and say so to teach, and ordered the project and Mamdouh Mahmoud, this verse of the clearest verses in significance to the virtue of the call, and they of the most important acts of worship, and the best acts of worship, and that the people in the very honor and top-notch status, and on top of the Apostles peace be upon him, and Okmlhm the خاتمهم and imam and master Prophet Muhammad upon them blessings and peace, and that is the verse Almighty: {Say this is my way I pray to God for insight, I and follow me} Between Him to the Prophet, peace be upon peace and calls on insight, and that his followers as well, that it preferred to call, and the followers of the Prophet peace be upon him their preachers to him on the insight, and insight is a science, including calls to him and finished him, and in this honor their preference, said the Holy Prophet peace be upon him In the modern right: (It indicates that something good is like Ogervaolh) Narrated by Muslim in the right, and said peace be upon him: (to call for guidance will have a reward like that of the following does not detract from their wages something is called to misguidance will have a burden of sin such as the sins of the following does not detract from their sins something) Narrated by Muslim, also, this shows the virtue of the call to God Almighty, saheeh him blessings and peace, he said to Ali may Allah be pleased with him and satisfied,: "(I swear because Allah guides your one man is better for you than riches) Agreed upon, and this also tells us preferred to call to God and the good great, and that the proposal to God Almighty given such as the wages of guided God on his hands, even if they are thousands of millions, and given you calling, such as wages, congratulations to you, O calling to God this goodness great, and this is also clear that the Prophet, peace be given such as the wages of his followers, What a great blessing given to our Prophet peace be upon him such as the wages of his followers until the Day of Resurrection, because بلغهم God's message, and دلهم to goodness peace be upon him, and so Apostles are given such as the wages of their followers and peace be upon them, and you as well as you in every time preacher given like your followers wages and القابلين to your invitation, فاغتنم this great goodness and hurried him.

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